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FrostBite (The Hunter Chronicles Book 1) Page 9

  He could hear the swift beat of her heart. Those lovely green eyes of hers were dilated. Eric could tell she found him arousing, desirable. The scent of her arousal was an enticing aroma. One he had not forgotten. Jasmine smelled of sunshine and flowers. A natural fragrance, he had never come across before on any other being. No odour of artificialness. This smell was unique and all her own. Eric found that it stirred his blood.

  He knew it would be easy for him to join her in the big bed. To feel her silken limbs entwine with his as he pleasured her with his mouth, his hands, his body. Eric knew he could take what he craved.

  Even though her eyes were full of desire, the fear and distrust in them stopped him. The defiance he had seen before was now subdued. She was like a cat he had once found. Half-starved and wild, the tabby had been injured by children and limped into his garden to hide. After many nights, he finally was able to coax it from its hiding place. Even longer for the feline to consent to be petted and stroked.

  Maybe it was the similar look in their eyes that did it, he was not sure. All Eric knew was he could not take advantage of the situation. No matter how much he wanted to.

  Slowly as not to frighten her, he sat on the edge of the bed. He wanted her trust.

  She seemed even more wary now. Those green eyes watched his every move. Eric knew that, like the feline, it would take time to erase the look in Jasmine’s lovely eyes—much longer than a mere hour. He would have to convince her. Let her become used to his touch and caresses. These were things he was more than happy to do. Then her body, her pleasure would be his.


  Jasmine accepted the offered robe. If he thought she would put it on in front of him, he would be sadly disappointed. She might be attracted to him, but that did not mean she would act on it. Flashing him bare skin was also out.

  He was a bad guy. He either worked for Marcel or bought weapons from him. Those weapons killed and destroyed innocent lives. The vamp had probably only kept her alive because he fancied her. Maybe he planned to keep her to feed on. She tried not to think about how good it had felt when he had. Jasmine wouldn’t let that happen again. No way was she becoming some vamp's pet. She would probably find herself back in a cell with Twitch soon enough.

  “Come, I have taken the liberty to order breakfast for you.” He rose to his feet and offered her his hand.

  She stared at it warily. Did he think she was going to get up naked?

  Jasmine dragged the robe behind the duvet and fed her arms into the sleeves one at a time in a slow, clumsy process as she used one hand to hold the cover up to hide her nakedness. After a few moments and a little bit of wiggling around, she was sufficiently shielded.

  Eric’s lips were quirked in amusement. He seemed to find her modesty funny by the expression on his face. She didn’t give a fuck what he thought. If she was covered, she wasn’t so vulnerable. She wondered if he had been the one to undress her. Someone must have.

  Absently she glanced around for her clothes. Unfortunately there was nothing in sight. She guessed she was stuck with the robe.

  “How long have I been here?” she asked as she slipped out of the bed, ignoring his hand. The plush cream carpet was soft against her bare feet. She resisted the urge to wiggle her toes.

  Eric dropped his hand back to his side. He did not seem bothered that she hadn’t taken it.

  “Since my associate bought you here yesterday afternoon.”

  He was watching as she kept the robe, which concealed her from neck to ankles, tightly closed. Yanking on the belt she tied it firmly in place.

  Jasmine frowned. That couldn’t be right. How could the burn on her arm be so healed already? She pulled up her sleeve and stared at the burn on her forearm again. This was not fresh.

  “A little of my blood on your burns encouraged them to heal more swiftly,” the vampire said with a smirk as if reading her mind.

  Eyes shooting up, she stared into his coldly handsome face.

  “You healed me?” Her tone was disbelieving.

  Eric’s eyebrows inched up slightly in surprise. “But of course. I did not want you to awake in pain when it was not necessary.”

  This was starting to confuse the hell out of her. He actually looked slightly offended she would think such a thing. Surely pain was what he wanted. Wasn’t it?

  She glanced down and noticed her naked wrist. “Where’s my watch?” The one item she didn’t want to be parted with. Twitch had made sure it was a handy little gadget to help her get out of certain situations. Jasmine was sure she was going to need it.

  “I fear it was damaged and rendered useless of the magic your friend impregnated within it,” the vampire said smoothly.

  His explanation sounded so sincere, she wasn’t sure if he was lying or not. He had to be lying, right? Disappointment settled over her. So she would have to escape without techno mage gadgetry. That might not be so easy against a vampire’s abilities.

  A guarded expression graced the vampire's face now. Had he guessed what she was thinking? Shit.

  He motioned politely for her to follow. Not quite sure what to make of everything, she followed him cautiously from the room.

  Jasmine found herself in an elegant, bright, spacious, and airy sitting room. A wide-screen TV was on one wall. Two black leather couches faced the television with a glass coffee table between them. By a large window sat a table and chairs. The overhead lighting was soft rather than harsh.

  On the table sat a plate brimming with French pastries, two cups, a teapot, a pot of coffee, and a little jug of milk. Eric gestured politely towards it. “Please, sit.”

  Jasmine moved closer and was surprised when he held a chair out for her. The vamp had good manners? Why was he being so nice and gentlemanly? Was this some kind of trick? She sank cautiously down into the chair. The food looked so good and her stomach had been empty for far too long. Jasmine was not sure it was wise to eat. What if he had done something to the food?

  The vampire slid around the table and took the seat opposite, creating a strangely domestic scene. Not exactly like prisoner and captor.

  “Why am I still alive?”

  One of his dark eyebrows rose slightly. He plucked a croissant from the overflowing plate and laid it on her dish, where it taunted her. Jasmine’s mouth began to water. Nervously she licked her lips and forced her gaze upwards.

  “I mean, why am I here?” she asked, watching him now instead. “Why go to all the trouble of helping me? What do you want?”

  “Perhaps I merely saved you for my amusement. Your blood is delicious,” he confided. “Or perhaps to keep you as a bargaining chip so your friend behaves. I confess I have yet to decide.”

  Jasmine got the strange impression he was teasing her. She also noticed he neatly avoided answering her questions properly. She reached out and picked up the teapot. Tipping it over, she poured the hot amber-coloured liquid into a cup. After adding a little milk and a ton of sugar, she stirred it with a spoon.

  Eric picked up the coffee pot and filled the other cup.

  “When do I get to see Twitch again?” she asked. If she could find out where he was being held, maybe she could help him escape again. She very much doubted Marcel had him in the same building as before. That would be too easy.

  Eric sat back in his chair and surveyed her thoughtfully. “If you are good, kitten, and cause me no trouble? Soon. It is completely down to you.”

  Kitten? Did he think she was cute and fluffy? She might be smaller than him, but that did not mean she would surrender without a fight. Even kittens had claws. Lowering her head she stared at the table top. Maybe if she gave the impression of being helpless, he would let his guard drop. She could work the explosion to her advantage.

  Jasmine began to pick apart the pastry on her plate, but she didn't eat it. Her insides were knotted with tension. She needed to figure out a plan to escape his hotel suite.

  The vampire was watching her through narrowed eyes.

  “I can understand
perhaps you are a little subdued after your ordeal yesterday, but you should eat something,” he said in what sounded more like an order than a suggestion.

  Ignoring him, she took a sip of tea, which helped soothe her nerves. Jasmine took another sip. The shitload of sugar in the tea was easing her hunger pangs.

  “You suspected the food of being tampered with, yet you neglect the tea?” The vampire’s voice was softly mocking. He clucked his tongue.

  Jasmine froze. Eyes wide, she stared at the cup in horror. The liquid she had swallowed was already warming her stomach. Crap. How could she have fallen for that trick when it was what had taken down Twitch? It was ridiculously stupid of her.

  Eric chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound, which sent goosebumps over her flesh. “Fear not, kitten. There is nothing wrong with the beverage. I was merely pointing out the fact you overlooked it.”

  The bastard was playing with her. Pinning him with a glare, she was tempted to flip him off. She knew it wouldn't help her image of a helpless female. The fact he was right just irritated her.

  Eric raised his cup and took a sip of coffee.

  Jasmine watched him with a suddenly astounded expression. “I didn’t know vamps could drink anything other than blood.”

  Eric paused for a moment and then shrugged. “I merely enjoy the taste, though it does little else for me.” Gaze never wavering from her face, he drank some more.

  Jasmine observed the muscles of his throat working. Her eyes wandered down to the top of his shirt, where three buttons had been left carelessly undone. A sprinkling of rough, black hair peeped out.

  The irritation she had felt drained away.

  Was he hairy all over his chest or was it a light covering? Jasmine could feel heat burning her cheeks at the thought. They burnt even hotter when she imaging having a look to see.


  She was watching him with desire. The scent of her arousal had strengthened again, teasing Eric’s senses like a heady perfume. A pretty blush on her cheeks, however, spoke of innocence.

  “Are you a virgin?”

  Shock lit her eyes for a moment at his abrupt question. Then he saw a flash of old pain.

  “No.” Her answer was sharp, clipped. A shuttered went down over her gaze, hiding her emotions. Bowing her head once more, she continued to dismantle the pastry on her plate—her movements jerky, almost savage.

  Eric sensed a great tension within her now, as if his question regarding her innocence had somehow hurt her. His gaze narrowed. Like a lightning strike, a sense of clarity struck him. Someone had put the pain in her eyes. Someone had hurt her? The anxiety and fear, he had sensed, had been more than just because she believed she faced a vampire. Had something happened to her at the hands of a male? A story lay behind her reaction. One Eric was not sure he would enjoy.

  “I will not harm you, Jasmine,” he assured her, wanting to put her mind at ease. “All I wish is for you to remain out of trouble.”

  She looked at him doubtfully, wariness still in her eyes. He knew she did not believe him. Eric sighed inwardly. Nothing more could be done for now. He would see that she was comfortable and kept from danger. Then he would see about having her returned home.

  “There are clothes for you in the wardrobe in the bedroom, along with undergarments and shoes. Ladies toiletries are in the en suite bathroom,” he informed her.

  He knew women enjoyed having their own things. Perhaps this would cheer her up. He had not meant to bring up any bad memories.

  Now she frowned with confusion. “Where did they come from?”

  “I had them purchased for you while you slept.” Eric held back the urge to smile. She really did have the most beautifully expressive face. Would it be the same in the heat of passion?

  As his thoughts wandered towards intimate pleasures, he pulled them back. He could not afford to become distracted now. The girl was out of harm’s way. He and Raoul had a job to continue.

  “Thank you.” She lowered her lovely green eyes demurely.

  Perhaps she would be no trouble at all, he mused. The girl seemed shy. The explosion had no doubt been a shock she was still recovering from. Possibly she knew the sensible thing was to do as she was told.


  “You are most welcome, kitten.” Eric’s voice was soft as a caress.

  Jasmine remained silent and kept her head down. She was still reeling from his question about her virginity. What the fuck had that been about? Had he hoped she had been untouched? Maybe a virgin’s blood tasted better for all she knew. She was still learning as a rookie. The supernatural creatures that existed in the world had many differences.

  Vampires tended to just feed and fuck. She also knew they were a lot faster and stronger than humans and had freaky powers they could use to defend themselves. Mark, her boss, had mentioned a few customs and beliefs they had. He had not gotten around to going in-depth yet. She knew there was a lot more to learn about bloodsuckers.

  Jasmine did not even know if Eric was a rogue or belonged to a nest. Rogues were solitary and moved around a lot. Nest vampires lived in a group with a leader. They had territories they defended and a hierarchy. Not that she cared, she reminded herself. Her main task was to get away. Maybe if he thought she was not any trouble, she could find a way to escape.

  It was seven a.m. Another hour and forty-four minutes and the sun would rise. Then she could try to make her escape.

  “Is it alright if I go back to bed? Maybe watch some TV in there? I’m still a little tired and achy.” She made sure her voice sounded shaky. She hoped he wouldn’t try to join her. Jasmine had not missed the male interest that kept darkening his eyes, which was doing strange, pleasurable things to her insides. Just the thought of him climbing onto that big bed with her had her hot and bothered.

  Eric smiled indulgently. Those cold, blue eyes warmed. “Of course. I have some calls to make now anyway. You may amuse yourself as you wish.”

  Chapter 11

  Jasmine checked the bedside clock for the millionth time. It was an hour after sunrise. The vampire would be sleeping by now. As long as he didn’t have human guards, she could make her escape. Eric wasn’t stupid, though, so she doubted he had left her unwatched. She had no idea how she would deal with guards.

  She had searched the room thoroughly when she first arrived back there earlier. Anything could be used as a weapon. You just needed a little imagination. The towel rack in the bathroom could not be removed. Jasmine had gone for the shower curtain rod instead. Motivation had fuelled her. Removing it had been a little tricky, but she had it now as a weapon. She had also found a can of hairspray that could come in useful.

  The phone that should have been in the room was missing. Guess the vamp hadn’t wanted her phoning for help. Her boss would have been her first call and that's exactly what she intended to do the moment she got her arse out of there.

  For now she needed to move.

  She rolled off the bed, making little sound. The clothes she had found in the wardrobe all fit her perfectly. They all still bore brand new tags. How Eric knew her size was a mystery. She had been quick to pick out a pair of jeans, trainers, a black jumper, and a short, black leather jacket. Practical and warm without restricting her movement. Good for running in, which she knew she would need.

  Pressing her ear to the door, she listened intently. Silence. No voices or other sounds to indicate anyone was out there. She was going to have to take a chance. Jasmine bit on her lip. She could not make any mistakes. If she was caught, Eric would make it a hell of a lot harder next time. If, that is, she even got a next time.

  She placed her hand on the knob and opened the door. The other hand held the curtain rod, and the hair spray can was stuffed in the pocket of her jacket.

  The adjoining room was empty. No signs of life at all. She noted that another door, which she guessed led to another bedroom, was closed.

  Was Eric sleeping in there? Were the thick, velvety curtains enough to keep out the sunlight? Vampires, sh
e had learnt from her team, rarely stirred from their day sleep.

  Randomly, she wondered if he slept naked. An image of pale muscles and hard, firm flesh flashed into her mind. Jasmine felt heat wash into her cheeks. She really needed to stop thinking about the vampire and naked body parts. Her libido, though, seemed to be out of control around him.

  She tiptoed across the room. The breakfast table had been cleared already. Who had done that? She hadn’t heard a maid service. Maybe it was one of the vampire’s people? He worked with Marcel and he seemed to be rich, so he would have thugs working for him, too. People who would willingly do his dirty work for him.

  She kept the curtain rod resting lightly on her shoulder, ready if needed. Her other hand fingered the top of the hairspray can in her pocket.

  Moving cautiously, she was actually amazed when she made it to the door. She had not fallen over her own feet once. Nothing stirred inside the suite. It was actually eerily quiet. Her own breathing sounded terribly loud to her own ears.

  Hand a little clammy, she turned the knob, which opened smoothly out onto the cheerful, white-walled corridor. Deserted. No guards greeted her outside. From the look of it, they were in the penthouse. That meant that this suite was the only one on that floor.

  Jasmine frowned. The vamp had gone to bed and left her unguarded? Was he really so confident she could not leave? Only an idiot would be that trusting.

  Something was off, but her sixth sense remained silent. What the fuck was going on?

  She looked towards the lifts. They would be faster, but she would also be trapped if anyone did come after her. Jasmine knew she could not chance it.

  She moved towards the door for the exit, knowing it would lead to the stairs. She pushed it open and peered cautiously inside. No one was waiting for her on the stairs.

  Now she was feeling jumpy. This had to be some kind of trap. Jasmine knew she couldn't waste this one chance, though, so she began sprinting down the steps.