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FrostBite (The Hunter Chronicles Book 1) Page 7

  The Frenchman waved his hand dismissively. “Yes, a few nights until our business is finished. Then you can be rid of her. It will be easy enough to do. The weapon will be in your hands soon.”

  Claude, who was also in the car, had his face pressed against the window. He looked like an excited puppy.

  “Baby, can we go and buy some macarons? You know how much I love them.” His voice was soft and pleading. He turned his eyes on the fat man.

  The young, blond American was handsome. His grey eyes danced as he looked at his lover.

  Eric knew the boy was in his early twenties—a tourist Marcel had taken a fancy to. Now he warmed his bed. How long that would last he could not be certain. Claude was not even his real name. Marcel, as far as Eric could gather, had a habit of renaming his young pets.

  The American, though, would probably never return home. He would disappear once the arms dealer grew bored of him, just like many others. And there had been many more.

  A twinge of sympathy squeezed in Eric’s chest. He sighed inwardly. One by one, he shut down any emotions that tried to escape his control. Feelings were a weakness he could not afford. Not now.

  “Of course.” Marcel smiled and patted Claude’s knee.

  Eric returned his gaze to the window. He would be more than happy when this was all over and this monster was finally off the streets.

  Chapter 8

  Jasmine awoke to find herself tucked up under a thick white duvet. She blinked sleepily with confusion. Where the heck was she? This was not her bedroom.

  The memories of the last hours came flooding swiftly back with jarring clarity. The car crash, the cargo container, Paris, Marcel the arms dealer, and the tall, sexy vampire. The intensity of those icy blue eyes. She felt like he had branded her with just a look. God, he had been so sexy. The way he had awakened her body. The sweet pleasure he had given her.

  A groan left her lips. Why the fuck was she thinking about him now? She shouldn’t be thinking about him at all.

  Twitch was suddenly hovering beside her. “Jazzy, are you alright?”

  “Yeah.” She sat up and flung the duvet from her body. “What time is it?”

  “Two p.m.”

  Blinking owl-like, she gave him an incredulous look. “I told you not to let me sleep so long.”

  His green eyes slid away from hers and then he shrugged. “You needed it.”

  He was right. She knew he was. Her headache was gone and she did feel a hell of a lot better. The long sleep had done her good.

  Twitch shoved something into her hand. “Here.”

  Jasmine looked down. It looked like a piece of pink, well-chewed gum. The texture was slightly sticky but smooth. As presents went, it was just plain weird.

  Flattening her palm, she eyed it. “Eew, what the hell is this? I hope you haven’t chewed it before it went in my hand.”

  He gave an exaggerated, long-suffering sigh. “I haven’t chewed it. It’s a crude earwig. I’m not sure of the range, but at least we can talk if we need to. There’s an incantation on it so we don’t need microphones like usual.”

  An earwig is what they called their earpieces. The fact they didn’t ever need a microphone to chat back always came in handy.

  She eyed it suspiciously. “It doesn’t look like your normal one. It won’t explode will it?”

  Usually they were smooth all over, blue, and sunflower seed-shaped. What she had in her hand looked like it could have been stuck beneath a table for a few months—after having been chewed within an inch of its life.

  Twitch looked a little hurt at her question. His chin dropped a little and his dishevelled hair flopped forwards. She could see him watching her out of the corner of her eye.

  She realised she might have actually offended him a little—something she never wanted to do.

  “No, Jazzy, it won’t explode. It’s the same design I use for my others. Just not as advanced. That’s why it looks like gum and is a different colour.”

  The guy was trying his best in the circumstances. She knew that. He could only work with what he had available and with limited time. Suddenly she felt bad.

  She sent him an apologetic smile. “OK, sorry. It’s great really.”

  Jasmine knew she was going to have to install it. It was the only way he would believe her now. Taking a deep breath, she tried not to feel too squeamish. This bit she always hated.

  Tilting her head slightly, she popped it securely into her ear. She could feel it oozing slightly as it melded with her flesh. Jasmine curbed the urge to claw it out. It always felt weird and a little creepy as it settled in. Like there was a slug squirming in your ear. At least it wasn’t slimy. Once it settled she would not feel it at all.

  A few times, she had even forgotten to take them out after assignments. It hadn’t been until Twitch had started whispering to her that she remembered they were in. It was an experience she tried to avoid. Having the mage suddenly start chatting when you were in the middle of a shower was unnerving. Even worse when you were in the middle of watching a horror film.

  She knew, though, from experience, that when she wanted it out, it would just drop out without a fuss. Well she hoped it would like all the others had.

  Twitch plonked himself down on the side of the bed. He looked tired. She felt suddenly guilty. He hadn’t rested at all.

  “Are you OK?” Jasmine asked as she crawled along to sit beside him.

  He was fiddling with an electronic tablet. His slender fingers caressed the smooth screen. “Yeah, better now that I have something to do.”

  “So tell me more about how you know Jeremy and Ralph.” Jasmine didn't really know what the techno mage had meant when he called them 'Internet friends' earlier. She wasn't into video games. Occasionally she might find something she liked to play, but she did not become obsessed with them. She didn’t live and breathe it like other people could.

  He glanced up at her and smirked. “We met on an RPG. We group up and kill virtual monsters, quest things like that. Chatting through typing or over mic’s is fun and I find it stress relieving.”

  She frowned. “And you made friends that way?”

  Twitch’s attention was focused on the tech in his hands again. “I don’t have many friends apart from you guys on the team at Scotland Yard. My online friends know me as Alan. I never planned on meeting any of them in real life. I just use them for the game play. I play to relax.”

  That made sense. It had to be lonely for him stuck inside all the time. Online he could escape and have fun. He could also hide his real identity. She knew that she was the only member of their team to visit his house. It was an old Victorian building, which looked like it was in a constant state of disrepair.

  They had movie nights on Wednesdays. The mage had a huge, flat-screen plasma TV. It was something they had done for over a month now.

  “Friendships are hard for me,” He continued leaning further over the tablet he was fiddling with not meeting her gaze. “People can fail you or not really care when they say they do,” he continued in a soft purr. A hint of pain was in his words.

  This was the most Twitch had ever talked about himself. Someone had hurt him in the past, obviously.

  Compassion swelled in Jasmine’s chest. “You and I are friends. In fact, you’re my best friend.”

  “Yes, we are.” He looked up at her then. Trust and affection shone from his green eyes. “I don’t know why or how, but we just seemed to click, didn’t we?”

  She couldn’t help but smile at that. It was true. Ten minutes after they had met, they had become firm friends. It was crazy how quickly they had bonded, connected.

  Maybe it was because she didn’t have many friends either.

  Her mind wandered to the men downstairs. Then another thought hit her.

  “How did you know what underwear I was wearing and why the hell did you tell your friends downstairs?” Jasmine prickled slightly. She still couldn’t believe he had done that. What the hell had he been thinki

  Twitch suddenly looked sheepish. “It’s obvious you’re not wearing a bra. I could see the hard outline of your nipples when you got cold outside. Your panties…well…I got a glimpse, when you were pretending to be unconscious back at Marcel’s.”

  “Oh.” Jasmine glanced away from him, embarrassed. She was still stuck in the same clothes and would be unless they found her something else to wear.

  Twitch did not seem bothered he was wearing the same stuff. Maybe that was a guy thing. She just didn’t know. Her experience was limited when it came to men.

  Maybe they could borrow some money from his friends. There had to be somewhere she could buy some jeans and a top. At least she would feel warmer and more comfortable.

  “As for telling them,” Twitch continued. “If I knew what you were wearing underneath, it makes it more convincing that we’re a couple.”

  Jasmine frowned. “Maybe in your dirty mind, but honestly it doesn’t.”

  Twitch chuckled. “Did you think I had been spying on you?”

  Startled at Twitch’s question she met his stare. “It did cross my mind,” she murmured in response.

  Twitch smirked. “I was a bit disappointed you didn’t wear the red matching set. The one with all that frilly, sexy lace.”

  That was a set she had bought online from her favourite boutique. How the hell had he known that? She hadn’t even worn the set yet. It was still in its bag on her dresser at home.

  Stunned, Jasmine was silent for a moment. “You have been fucking spying on me again?”

  He giggled. “Maybe I just found the electronic receipts for when you bought it.”

  She gave him a sceptical look. “And went through the lingerie website to see what they looked like?”

  “In one of my bored moments, yes, and it’s amusing.” Twitch was playing absently with the tablet in his hands again.

  “You really found the online receipt?” She still wasn’t sure she believed him.

  “I don’t spy on you, Jazzy,” he assured her. “But imagining you in that lingerie is nice. It’s not like I’m ever going to get to see you in it.”

  No, he wouldn’t. In fact she wouldn’t be wearing any of it for anyone.

  A knock sounded at the door before she could reply.

  She pushed up onto her feet and padded to the door. She figured it was one of the brothers checking up on them. It probably seemed a little weird they hadn’t left the room at all.

  Twitch tensed up. His hand was hovering over the piece of technology he was holding like he was ready to strike down any threat. For all she knew it was a weapon of mass destruction. Jasmine swallowed down a bout of panic.

  He would not do anything stupid. If he did, she would kick his arse. She glanced at him warily for a moment before opening the door.

  Jeremy stood the other side with a tray and some clothes draped over one arm. His smile was friendly when he saw her.

  “I thought you guys might be hungry,” he told her pleasantly. “You’ve been up here for ages.”

  Jasmine stepped back to let him inside. “Wow, thanks, that’s really kind of you. We’ve been catching up on some sleep.”

  It was an easy excuse and half-true. The bed looked rumpled enough as evidence. Not that any would be needed.

  Twitch had moved back onto his position on the floor. He was busy with his screwdriver again. “Hey, Jeremy.”

  Jeremy grinned. “I have a free computer if you want to play online later you know.”

  The mage raised his head. Interest was sparkling in his eyes. “Maybe a bit later on. Thanks for the food.”

  Jeremy placed the tray down on the floor by the bed. “It’s no problem. Ralph had to pop out but got some things from the local bakery before he went.”

  Two white mugs of tea and a plate of warm, freshly made croissants lay on the tray. The smell was delicious.

  Jasmine’s stomach rumbled loudly. She hadn’t eaten in many hours and her body was demanding to be satisfied. After sleep, food was its next agenda. She inhaled the scent of French pastry.

  “This looks great, I’m starving,” she said, reaching for a croissant.

  “I found you some clothes, too.” Jeremy carefully handed her the bundle.

  “Ralph’s ex-girlfriend left some stuff here. She was slim like you so hopefully it all fits.”

  Jasmine examined the clothing. The jeans were light blue and faded and seemed to be her length. The jumper was black and made of wool. The material was a little itchy, but she was happy to live with it, especially if it meant finally getting out of the dress and being warm.

  Eyes happy, she smiled at Jeremy in pure delight. “Thank you so much. I have been dying to get out of this bloody dress.”

  “Hey, I’m just happy I could help. Why not drink your tea and eat and then get changed?” he suggested softly. “I better get back downstairs to the customers. I can’t leave the place alone for too long.”

  Twitch picked up one of the mugs as Jeremy left.

  Instead of sitting down beside the tray, Jasmine just hovered beside it. She stared longingly at the jeans in her arms. Did she really want to wait a few more minutes? She was starting to hate this dress. Another minute and it might drive her crazy. She needed to be in something familiar, more comfortable. Then maybe she could relax.

  Twitch lifted the mug to his lips then hesitated. “If you’re that desperate to change, why don’t you go do it now?”

  He had a point. The tea and the food could wait a few more minutes. Once she was dressed more comfortably, then she could eat.

  “I think I will.” She grinned. “Don’t eat all the croissants.”

  She reassembled the first-aid kit, closed it, and picked it up. She thought she heard him mutter something like ‘better be quick’ as she disappeared out of the bedroom.

  Jasmine hurried back along the corridor and into the bathroom. As quickly as she could, she shoved the first-aid box back into its place. She did not want to leave it laying around in case someone else needed it. It was the polite thing to do.

  After making sure the bolt was secure, she peeled off the dress. When it pooled at her feet, she released a sigh of relief. Never had she been so glad to be rid of a piece of clothing. With a nudge of her foot, she kicked it into a corner. Turning, she glanced at herself in the mirror.

  The bruise on her forehead just above her left eye, which she hadn’t really bothered to look at before, was nasty. The skin was blotchy and discoloured. Twisting her head slightly, she examined it in the mirror It could have been worse. She knew that and was thankful it wasn’t.

  Jasmine touched it lightly, wincing when it hurt. She grabbed some tissue paper, wetted it, and cleaned away the dried blood. It looked a little better afterwards.

  Her eyes then dropped to her bare breasts. Two small puncture marks were visible on the swell of her left tit, no longer throbbing. Using a fingertip, she touched the area. Heat bolted through her. A strange tingle shot through her belly. Jasmine gasped at the unfamiliar sensations.

  The image of the vamp's head against her breast played slowly over and over in her mind. Her body began to thrum with remembered pleasure. Biting her lip hard, she crammed the memories back. She leaned forwards, and grabbed onto the sink tightly. She had to forget what had happened.

  Yes, it had been eye-opening. Never in her life had she responded to a man like that. Maybe she was finally moving on. Two years was a long time to heal. Maybe she was finally getting over the trauma of the past. A storm of emotions was brewing inside her. Things she wasn’t sure how to cope with right now.

  Then again maybe it had been the vampire himself. She knew they all had weird different powers. Had he affected her in some way? Pulled her past her fear to pleasure?

  A shiver ran through her. Unfortunately, it was something she couldn’t think about right now. She returned her focus to the clothes and quickly got dressed.

  The jumper was a little tight and you could tell she was not wearing a bra. H
er nipples were visible through the woolly fabric. Turning sideways, she stared at their taut outline.

  Jasmine found this a bit annoying. Her breasts weren’t big, but they still needed a little support. Maybe if she kept her arms crossed no one would notice.

  The jeans, on the other hand, were a little loose around the waist. Pursing her lips, she glanced around. She could see nothing she could use as a belt. Maybe Jeremy had something she could borrow.

  As she pondered whether to go down and ask him or not her senses began to jingle. It sounded like the little tinkle of bells, soft yet insistent—the feeling she got for imminent danger. Suddenly feeling jumpy, she peered out of the bathroom window.

  Everything seemed quiet outside. Grey clouds hung heavily in the afternoon winter sky. Nothing looked threatening. Still, the bells kept tinkling in her head. Jasmine knew by now to trust her sixth sense. As a sensitive, she knew they were almost always never wrong.

  She unbolted the door and moved back along the corridor. One of the other doors was half-open now. Stopping in front of it, she peered cautiously inside.

  Another bedroom. No one was inside. A large green duvet was spread over the double bed. Rather messy as clothes were strewn across the floor and piled haphazardly on a chair.

  She spotted the end of a belt peeking out from the clothes pile. After checking over her shoulder to make sure she was alone, she nipped into the room and claimed it. She figured she'd just tell Jeremy she was borrowing it. Whomever lived in the bedroom might not like her sneaking in, but it was kind of an emergency. Besides, they would have had to lend it to her anyway. It made sense to take it now.

  Trying not to feel guilty, she slipped back into the spare bedroom.

  Jasmine froze. “Twitch?”

  He was slumped sideways over the carpet. His mop of hair was obscuring his face and he was not moving.

  She dashed to his side and crouched beside him. The electronic tablet he had been playing with rested on the floor near his hand. Had he blown something up again? Had he hurt himself badly this time?