FrostBite (The Hunter Chronicles Book 1) Read online

Page 27

  With Eric it was like a fuse had been lit and was burning away at an incredible rate—getting closer and closer to detonation.

  The soft, straining notes of Mozart drifted through the open door of the bathroom. She wasn’t sure which piece it was, but she recognized the music.

  Leaning back, Jasmine rested her head back on the rim of the bath.

  Tonight the explosion was going to happen and there was no doubt in her mind they were going to make fireworks.

  Chapter 26

  Wrapped in a big, long, fluffy white robe, she entered the sitting room and found a food cart waiting. Silver metal domes covered the plates hiding what Eric had ordered. The vampire was standing by the window admiring the night-time view. His hands were clasped behind his back. A snowy white shirt now covered his torso. The music was still playing softly in the background.

  Confusion bounced through her. It looked like Eric had laid the small table for two. Yet hadn’t he said Twitch wasn’t joining them? Then it hit her.

  Surprise lit her face. “You can eat?”

  He had been watching her reflection intently, she realised, as he turned.

  One dark eyebrow rose ever so slightly. “I can digest food although it is blood I survive on and need. I can go without eating, but tonight I wish to join you.”

  Why did this suddenly feel like a date? The vampire seemed to have gone for romance this evening. On the table there was even a tapered red candle sitting in a frosted glass vase, the little flame flickering.

  A thickness formed in her throat. It had been a very long time since she had been on a date.

  Jasmine placed her half-empty flute of champagne on the table. Touching the lapels of her robe, she fidgeted with them self-consciously. She felt under-dressed.

  “I should go put something on.” Curling her toes in the plush carpet, she made a move to go.

  Eric stalked swiftly from the window, coming to stop before her. “No. You look perfect as you are.”

  His eyes did a slow perusal of her from head to toe. A wicked gleam glinted in his eyes. Did he like knowing she was completely naked beneath? From his expression it seemed he did.

  Jasmine swallowed hard. When he looked at her that way, it was hard to say no. She let her hands fall slowly from the robe.

  Eric’s eyes warmed at her compliance. A ghost of a smile tilted his lips. Moving round the table he held out a chair for her. Smiling her thanks, she slid onto the seat. Nervousness was coursing through her, but she was trying hard not to show it.

  “I hope you are hungry.” Eric lifted one of the covered domes with a flourish.

  Two broiled red lobsters lay on the plate below. A small white pot of what looked like garlic butter accompanied them along with lemon slices.

  The smell was tantalising and made her stomach growl.

  “I’ve never had lobster before,” Jasmine admitted with an excited grin. “I heard it can get a bit messy.”

  Eric smoothly took his seat across the table from her. “Indeed it can.”

  “How do you even open it?”

  The vampire shook out his linen napkin and placed it neatly on his lap. “I shall do such things for you.”

  Jasmine took her own napkin and draped it over her thighs. This all felt so decadent and indulgent. Something she had dreamed about but never had the opportunity to try.

  Raising another dome, Eric exposed some more plates. A large mixed bowl of cucumber, tomatoes, and lettuce. Then a dish with a creamy coleslaw. A basket of fluffy white rolls also sat on the cart.

  “Please, Jasmine, help yourself.” The vampire gestured towards the food. “I shall make a start on opening your lobster.”

  Reaching over, she helped herself to some of the salad. She was starving and couldn’t wait to get tucked in. It looked like he had order a feast.

  Eric used a lobster cracker, which looked very much like a nutcracker on the tough shell of the lobster. He was both efficient and quick with an air of practised ease. Soon he had both open and they were digging in.

  Jasmine used the fork to dig and scoop out the fleshy meat. She had never had lobster before, but she found she enjoyed the taste. She found the rolls were still warm and the coleslaw was just how she liked it. The salad was fresh and crisp. She was tearing through everything.

  Eric used a bowl for bones and shell so she did the same.

  They didn’t speak. The silence between them was comfortable, a companionable kind of quiet. Mozart continued to serenade them, floating throughout the room.

  The vampire retrieved a bottle of champagne from an ice bucket, which sat beside him. Leaning forwards he refilled their glasses.

  Jasmine watched at the pale liquid filled her flute. Lifting it up, she took sips to wash the food down.

  “This is amazing,” she enthused, breaking the quiet.

  An indulgent smile crossed Eric’s face. “I am very glad it pleases you, my lovely.”

  He twisted off the lobster claw with graceful ease. Using his fork he began to dig out the meat.

  “What are your plans now?” Jasmine asked, as she forked some salad into her mouth.

  Curiosity was getting the better of her. Now that their mission was over, she knew the vampires would be moving on. Did they have another case lined up?

  She ignored the heavy ache in her chest. Tonight was special and she wasn’t going to let her emotions take over. Missing Eric was something she knew she was going to do. Maybe there was a chance they might still see each other?

  “There are things yet to be cleared up here before I can head home.” Eric said softly in reply. He was idly swirling the contents of his glass around.

  Shifting nervously in her seat, she pulled a roll apart. “Where do you live? Here in France?”

  “England.” Eric’s deep baritone voice hesitated for a moment. “Tell me, Jasmine, do you enjoy your job? Do you live in London?”

  Jasmine felt a small flicker of disappointment. She knew instantly he was drawing the conversation away from himself. He was always so secretive. After everything they had been through, she had thought he might share a little more with her. Then it dawned on her. Eric wasn’t planning anything more than this one night. Why would he share things when he wouldn’t be seeing her again?

  They were strangers—proverbial ships passing in the night. All that was between them was this raw, primal lust.

  Foolishly she had been hoping for more. Eric was exciting like no other male she had ever met. A small sense of desolation settled over her.

  She forced out a smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes. “Yes, I like using my gift to help people. I have my own flat in London.”

  “It is usually a traumatic event that awakens such abilities in a sensitive,” Eric said. He was probing for answers. Curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, she knew, were in his nature.

  Jasmine felt herself pale. She really did not want to talk about what had happened to her. What still haunted her sometimes in her nightmares. Only one other person in her life knew about it and he had promised never to say a word.

  Placing her fork down on the table, she could not meet the vampire’s penetrating eyes. “Please, Eric. I don’t want to talk about it.” Her appetite had now fled. Dropping her gaze, she stared blindly at her plate.

  Extending his big hand, he covered her own that was resting on the surface. Its warmth was soothing, reassuring. “Very well. I have no wish to make you feel uncomfortable.”

  Looking up, she found genuine concern shadowing the vampire's gaze.

  Jasmine smiled sadly. “Thank you.”

  His fingers squeezed hers affectionately before he drew his hand away. “Will you be going straight back to work?”

  Collecting her champagne once more, she cradled it in her hands. “Probably yes, knowing my boss. I don’t mind though.”

  Eric had also stopped eating. Elbow leaning on the table, he had his chin cupped in one palm. His other hand was fiddling with the stem of his glass.

  “So what’s it like being a born vampire?” Jasmine asked.

  She hadn’t forgotten his confession in the freezer. She would likely never forget it. Would he share though?

  The thickness of his eyelashes flicked down to hid the emotions in his eyes. “I was hoping you had forgotten I had said such a thing.”

  She blinked with surprise. “Why?”

  The vampire sighed heavily. “This knowledge, my lovely, is not widely known and we like it this way. You caught me in a moment of weakness.”

  “Do you regret telling me?”

  “No,” he said without hesitation. His eyelashes fluttered up and he fastened the mesmerizing brightness of his blue eyes on her face. “I believe the information is safe with you. But please do not ask me any more.”

  Disappointment tumbled through her again. This was not exactly going as she had imagined. Eric had given the evening all the trappings of romance, yet he didn’t want to talk personally.

  “I guess we both have secrets we want to keep.” Tipping up her glass, she took a long gulp. If he wouldn’t share, why should she?

  “It appears so.” He balled up the napkin on his lap and discarded it on the table.

  They both sat awkwardly for a moment. Eric seemed just as nervous as she was now. What did you talk about when neither person wanted to give up their secrets? This was all leading to one conclusion. Sex. The vampire had been sweet setting this all up, but they both seemed to be dancing around saying it.

  “I keep forgetting to ask, what are you going to do with all the clothes?” Jasmine asked quietly as she placed her glass on the table.

  “Clothes?” Confusion tightened his features.

  “The ones you bought me.”

  Dark eyebrows rose with astonishment. “They are yours, Jasmine, to do with as you please.”

  Jasmine stared at him for a moment. Something like that was way too much. She hadn’t missed all the expensive brand tags. He had probably spent a small fortune.

  “Eric…I…That’s generous of you, but can’t you take them back?”

  It did not look like he understood her reluctance to keep them. His lips pursed in slight annoyance. “If you do not want them, then leave them. The staff here at the hotel may have them.”

  Jasmine blinked at him in bewilderment. “You’re not that bothered about it?”

  He shrugged one large shoulder. “Taking them back is something I have no time for. Why not accept them as a Christmas gift from me? Would that not make you feel better about keeping them?”

  Biting at her lower lip, she considered his words. “I guess. Thank you. You didn’t have to treat me to dinner, as well you know.”

  Gracefully he rose from his chair. Moving around the table he helped her to her feet. He was standing so close. She could feel the heat of his body. The smell of snow and pine trees washed over her.

  “After what you have endured the last few days, it is the least I can do.”

  Jasmine tilted her head so she could look up into his handsome face. Their lips were only inches apart. “But it’s not just going to be dinner, is it Eric?”

  Lowering his head, he brushed the softness of his cheek against hers. “No. We have unfinished business—you and I.”

  She licked her suddenly dry lips nervously. “Yes, we do.”

  “I am offering you one night of pleasure, Jasmine.” Eric’s breath warmed her skin, his words whispered against her ear. “All it requires is that you submit to me completely in that time.”

  She shivered at his nearness. She wanted to. Oh God, how she wanted to. Maybe with this darkly handsome vampire, she could finally overcome her fears. Excitement raced through her.

  If nothing else, he was offering her pleasure she had never experienced before. She might never seem him again, but she would have the memory of this one night to cherish. It would be one night in Eric’s arms.

  Desire and fear warred inside her. Could she really give up control to this dominant vampire?

  Eric seemed to sense her hesitation. “Trust me to take care of you, kitten. Follow my commands and I shall see to your pleasure. There is nothing for you to fear. In my hands you shall be safe.”

  The words tickled her ear. No power of persuasion laced them, just heat and longing in there.

  Jasmine nodded, surrendering to her desire.

  It was one night after all. What harm could come from giving herself over to Eric until the sun rose again? Then he would probably be gone. Jasmine didn’t want to live with regret. Life was too short.

  “Yes,” she said with a shaky voice. “One night.”

  Chapter 27

  He had craved her like no other and now tonight she was to be his. The plan was to pleasure her within an inch of her life. Eric had hated the awkwardness between them. Giving up secrets and knowledge regarding himself was something he found hard to do—probably from centuries of being guarded. The fact he found himself longing to tell her secrets was most disturbing. He could not do that. By tomorrow he would be gone and she would be returning to her life in London. Their paths were unlikely to cross again.

  He had already given her more than any other woman in his life so far. Romance was something he never did with the women he fucked. Dinner and talking were too personal, too connecting. Women tended to expect more.

  If she had been any other female, she would have already been flat on her back with his cock buried deep. But Jasmine wasn’t just another warm, willing body to bed. Eric didn’t dare examine why. He pushed the feeling to the back of his mind.

  Excitement and a savage need were thumping through his body now. The dinner had been merely another form of foreplay. Since they had met it had all been leading up to this.

  Tonight he would show her how much he desired her. He wanted to savour her tight little body wrapped around his cock. It felt like he had waited an eternity to have her.

  Eric did not waste any time. Scooping her up, he carried her to the bedroom. Gently he placed her on the large mattress.

  She lay still, looking up at him. Wariness and excitement sparkled in her big green eyes. Jasmine was more than desirable. He burned for her.

  He dropped his gaze to the knotted belt of her robe then reached down. His hands were shaking and a strange sense of nervousness gripped him. It was something he had never experienced before.

  Still, easily and efficiently he undid the belt. Flipping open the sides of the material, he bared her to his hungry eyes. She was just as beautiful as he remembered.

  Jasmine was slender with pale limbs, her body young and nubile. Her little breasts were perky firm. Her areolas were dusky rose coloured, tipped with a slightly darker shade for her nipples.

  Eric’s mouth began to water for a taste of them. He wanted to suck them into his mouth, nip them, bite them.

  “Beautiful,” he said as he looked down at her.

  Jasmine’s arms came up to cover her breasts self-consciously. A pretty blush was staining her cheeks.

  “No.” Gently, he tugged her hands away. “I wish to see your breasts, my lovely.”

  Keeping her arms at her sides, she lay nervously under his scrutiny. Already the little female's breathing had increased with excitement. Her chest quivered with each quick breath.

  Eric crawled onto the bed beside her, still fully dressed. Gently he helped her out of the open robe before tossing it aside. His eyes ran over every inch of her. Reaching out, he ran the tip of his finger over one of her taut nipples. She shuddered in reaction. Her musky arousal was already enticingly pungent in the air.

  Eric wanted to take his time enjoying her. He wanted her so wet and ready for him that when he finally fucked her, it would hold no fear. Intense pleasure was what he had promised and he intended to deliver. This little female deserved all he could give her. He would give her everything.

  Bending down, he flicked the tip of the other nipple with his tongue.

  Jasmine moaned softly. Her body squirmed against his touch. Idly he played in
turn with each breast. Letting his fangs descend, he grazed them against her supple skin. Normally he never let a lover see his vampire teeth. Jasmine had already seen them, though, and he knew they excited her.

  The need to drink her sweet blood surged through him. An impulse so strong it was almost blinding but still he resisted. When the moment was right, only then would he sink his fangs once more into this lovely girl.

  A small gasp left her at the sensation. Her aroused scent grew thicker by the moment. Eric savoured it.

  Eyes never leaving her face, he blew gently on one rigid peak. “Tell me want you want, Jasmine.”

  Her legs were moving restlessly on the duvet. He could sense her building need, her excitement. Languidly he fondled the other tit.

  “I-I want you to suck them…suck my breasts.” Her voice was small and breathy.

  She was feeling uncertain, vulnerable—he could understand this, sense it. But he intended to show her there was nothing to fear from his touch.

  With one hard lick, he suckled a nipple in between his lips. Whirling his tongue around the tip in his warm, wet mouth, he grazed it with his teeth, his fangs. He was careful not to break her skin with their sharpness.

  Jasmine moaned in response and wiggled against him. She grabbed his head, tugging at his hair hard.

  Eric relished the bit of pain. Chuckling against her breast, he resumed his pleasuring. Eric began to feast on her ripe, little tits. Her small nipples enchanted him. He teased them back and forth, licking, nipping, and suckling.

  Eventually he was forced to put his fangs away. Biting her was becoming too much of a growing temptation. It was something he was drawing out.

  Soon she was withering in earnest against the mattress. Her legs entwined with his as she rubbed her lower half against his hip.

  The zipper of his jeans was already painfully pressing into his erection. It strained against the denim. Eric ignored it, fully focused on the woman before him. He gave Jasmine no mercy as he continued to pleasure her with his mouth and his touch. She seemed almost mindless—a slave to sensation.