FrostBite (The Hunter Chronicles Book 1) Read online

Page 17

  “Your face is very expressive,” Raoul informed her, his eyes still on his laptop screen. “You would not do well at poker.”

  Jasmine wrinkled her nose. Had they been able to read her emotions the whole time she had been with them? Was she that predictable? She was only a rookie, she reminded herself. Gaining skills to hide his emotions like Eric had done over the years would take experience and time. She so badly wanted to acquire those skills.

  A tired sigh tumbled from her lips. “I was just wondering how long you guys have been freelance operatives.”

  Eric’s brow furrowed as he looked up at her. “Quite a while indeed,” he mused quietly.

  Raoul laughed softly. “Sixteen-eighteen we started here in France. Our first client was King Louis, the thirteenth.”

  Eric’s lips curled in a fond smile of remembrance. “Ah yes. The Thirty-Year War between the Protestants and the Catholics.”

  Jasmine blinked a few times. “That was nearly four hundred years ago!”

  Vampires were immortal. She knew that, but it was still crazy to imagine just how long these two had been around.

  “It certainly was and the beginning of a most enjoyable career to date,” Eric responded as he typed away.

  A knock at the suite door dragged her from her shock. She jumped up quickly to answer it. A young French waiter with an easy smile was waiting with a cart. Her empty stomach gurgled at the sight.

  Jasmine returned his smile. “Thank God. I'm starving.” Standing back, she allowed him to wheel it into the room. When he stood looking expectantly, she wasn’t sure what to do.

  Raoul was suddenly beside her stuffing some notes in his hand. “Merci.”

  The waiter grinned and left them with a little bow.

  Peering up at the mocha-skinned vampire, she flashed him an awkward smile. “Shit, sorry. I don’t have any money with me to tip with.”

  “It is quite alright, Jasmine,” he assured her and gracefully moved back to his laptop.

  She pushed the cart further into the room, settling it close to the little table and chairs by the window. The vamps were using the coffee table. At least eating on the table made sure she wouldn’t make too much mess. Jasmine glanced at the carpet. How much would the hotel charge them if she accidentally dropped something and marked the floor? She shuddered to think of the cost.

  She lifted the silver metal dome on the cart and found the Beef Burgundy she had ordered. Something she had always wanted to try. She sniffed the deep bowl of chunky pieces of braised beef and strips of bacon in red wine and beef broth. Onions mushrooms and carrots, mixed with herbs and garlic were also in the mix. The stew smelt amazing.

  She grabbed the basket of rolls from the cart and carried the whole thing to the table. Hungrily, she ripped of a piece of bread and dipped it in the broth. She popped it into her mouth, groaning around it. Divine. She scooped up some meat with her fork.

  Eric and Raoul did not look up from their laptops, very absorbed in what they were doing. Not that she minded. She didn’t need an audience while she ate.

  Jasmine chewed her food and thought about the vampires. Would they need to feed soon? Where would they get their blood from? Plenty of blood banks nowadays offered vamps their services. Most vampires still liked it straight from the source, though, and there were plenty of people who offered their blood in exchange for money. Being living blood donors was a booming business. People also liked to be bitten just for the pleasure of it. Vampires were never going to starve.

  Would Eric take her blood again? Just remembering his fangs sinking into her breast had her all hot and bothered. The pleasure had been overwhelming.

  She pushed the thought from her mind.

  Now was not the time. Thinking about the vampire and what he could do to her body was dangerous. He had already proven that numerous times tonight. She needed to stay on track.

  Twitch was the most important thing and getting Claude out, too.

  Jasmine turned her gaze to the window. The twinkle lights of Paris brightened the darkness. She had always wanted to visit this city, but never had the chance. Now she was here and she had barely seen it.

  She ate in silence until her stomach was pleasantly full. Getting used to eating so well was something she could not afford to do. She would soon be back on her sandwich dinner and not much else.

  After placing the empty bowl and basket back on the cart, she pushed it to the door and outside to be picked up later by the hotel's staff. She turned to survey the vampires. Both still busy typing. Neither had moved from their positions since she had started eating. Whatever they were doing, they were dedicated and looked like they were there for the night.

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  Running a hand through his short, black, tousled hair, Eric looked up. “No, there is nothing. Go to bed, Jasmine.”

  “What about you?” She felt her cheeks heat as she asked the question. It was Eric’s room. She didn’t want to put him out of his bed. She could sleep on one of the sofas.

  “I require little sleep at the moment.” A smile touched his lips. “Go rest. You will not be disturbed.”

  She was happy she wasn’t putting him out. After this evening, she would have willingly slept on the floor.

  Biting her lip, she nodded. “OK then, thanks. Good night.”

  Chapter 18

  Eric could hear the little female moving around in the bedroom. She had slept peacefully last night. The sound of her slow, steady heartbeat had been almost soothing in his ears. A strangely appealing feeling. One he did not care to examine. But he had been mulling over Jasmine’s abilities. Eric knew that only a traumatic event could trigger a sensitive’s buried gifts. What harrowing experience had caused Jasmine’s to activate? Did it still haunt her? She was certainly more sensitive than he had first realised—confirmed by the fact she had picked up a werewolf when he had not.

  Raoul’s contact inside Marcel’s organisation verified he now, indeed, had a wolf on his payroll. A wolf who had been on the boat last night. But why did Marcel even have a werewolf on staff?. This could have led to complications if it had not been for the girl. She had proved her usefulness.

  Perhaps with time and the correct training, Jasmine could become quite powerful, which would undoubtedly benefit her at work. Eric could help her with it.

  “Eric, what is it about this girl that has you so enthralled? I have never seen you like this before,” Raoul said from the corner of the room. He was busy checking early morning surveillance footage. The other vampire had not failed to notice his friend glancing towards the close bedroom door.

  They had taken turns napping during the night in the other bedroom. Sleep was something they didn't need much of. Not when they were working anyway.

  “I am drawn to her,” Eric confided. “Since the moment I first set eyes upon her.”

  He did not want to admit it was getting worse, but it was. Finishing this business was pressing, but when it was out of the way, he could turn his attention to the girl. Once his cock had its fill of her young, nubile body, he would quickly move on. Jasmine would be a pleasant memory.

  The other vampire was regarding him with astonishment. “She seems most resourceful. Did you know she carried a pair of nail scissors and deodorant in her purse last night?”

  Eric’s eyes lit with wary amusement. “Indeed, I did. I thought it better to pretend ignorance. She seemed nervous and I believe feeling armed calmed her a little.”

  He had been entertained to realise what she was carrying in her purse. The little female certainly had a lively imagination. He wondered what she might do next.

  “It did not calm her in the back of the car on the way back,” Raoul mused softly. “I distinctly heard her moan once or twice.”

  Eric’s gaze fell away from his friend. Turning, he surveyed the sitting room with a critical eye. Then he moved to the end of one of the sofas. “I was punishing her for her disobedience on the boat. She has a habit of not fo
llowing orders.”

  He had found it quite pleasurable himself to play with her body with such a simple touch. She was so responsive it made his lust burn hotter. Watching those big green eyes, dazed with desire, had been most satisfying, almost as much as hearing her little moans.

  “It sounded like a most interesting punishment.”

  He knew the other vampire was finding enjoyment out of his odd behaviour. A mere mortal female had destroyed his cold exterior, which he surely found most amusing. Eric was not sure he would ever live it down, especially when it got back to the others. Raoul would never keep his mouth shut about something like this. Not with their other comrades in arms.

  “Stop asking questions, my friend, and help me prepare the damn room,” Eric growled in reply.

  The other vampire chuckled.


  Jasmine ordered some breakfast from room service and then hopped into the shower. She was happy to find a plate of brioche on the bedside table when she emerged from the bathroom.

  The cream pastry was amazingly good—definitely worth all the calories just to try it. A good cup of tea had also been fortifying.

  Now dressed again more comfortably in jeans and a blue jumper, she was eager to find the vamps. Did they know anything more about Twitch’s situation? Had anything happened while she was sleeping? These questions were circling in her head as she left the room.

  She opened the bedroom door and paused in the doorway. Eric was sitting on the floor, dressed in what looked like black yoga pants and a black top. Both were tight and showed off his thick legs and muscled chest. Jasmine bit her lip. Did his tight arse look just as good in these, too?

  It had taken her a while to fall asleep last night. A strange sense of frustration had plagued her. She was pretty sure it was the sexual kind. After the way he had played with her all evening, she guessed she shouldn’t have been surprised.

  They had pushed the sofas further apart to make more space. The coffee table was now against a wall.

  Jasmine frowned at him, not sure what he was doing. “What’s going on?”

  Eric smiled when he saw her, a slow charming curving of his sexy mouth. The intensity of his gaze pinned her breathlessly to the spot. How could just a look make her feel strangely needy and hot?

  “Come sit over here.,” he said and gestured to the floor next to him.

  Raoul was also in the room. The mocha-skinned vampire was lounging on a chair by the window. A book was open in his hand, his expression absorbed.

  Releasing a long breath, she ignored the feelings of arousal washing through her. Probably the reaction he had on all women, she told herself crossly. He was not doing it on purpose.

  Obediently, Jasmine joined Eric on the floor. He was sitting cross-legged. She mirrored his position, crossing her legs slowly, grunting a little when her body ached.

  She had woken up with slightly achy feet, but they didn't feel bad as she had imagined. The vampire’s massage, she knew, probably had something to do with it.

  Jasmine felt her cheeks warm slightly at the memory.

  “Close your eyes.”

  She blinked, then gave Eric an are-you-serious look? She remembered the last time he had told her that. It had been right before he had started arousing her. Right before he had bitten her.

  He chuckled, blue eyes twinkling. She had the distinct feeling he knew exactly what she was thinking about.

  “Jasmine, trust me. All I wish is to help you focus your gifts. Nothing more.” His deep baritone was slightly gruff.

  Raoul made a small hum of agreement, but did not look up from his book.


  One eyebrow slightly raised, he sighed. “Stop asking questions and close your eyes.”

  Trying not to look to suspicious, Jasmine slowly lowered her eyelids. Silence filled the room for a moment, and it felt eerily quiet and still.

  “I require you to concentrate on your breathing,” Eric’s deep voice said. He hadn't moved.

  Jasmine felt a little tension seep out of her shoulders. She had not even realised she had been so tense.

  “Inhale,” he said and breathed in. “Exhale,” he said, letting out a long breath through his mouth.

  “I feel like I’m in a yoga class,” Jasmine said in a near whisper.

  She heard both vampires laugh.

  “I promise I will not bend you into any unusual positions,” Eric said. Amusement and something else she couldn’t identify thickened his tone. “Unless you allow me to do that, kitten.”

  “You need to learn to focus and centre yourself. Meditation will help this,” Raoul said softly somewhere to her left.

  Had he moved from his chair?

  Jasmine felt the tension grip her once more. Awareness tightened uncomfortably through her skull.

  The other vampire was behind her now. She was sure of it. Power pushed at her from behind like the lap of a gentle wave – not painful, just there—battering lightly against her senses.

  “What’s Raoul doing?” She could not keep the creeping alarm out of her voice. Being sneaked up on was something she hated. Even as a child, it had scared her.

  Raoul made a noise of astonishment inches from her back, which made her jump.

  Her eyes snapped open and she jerked around. Jasmine fixed him with a wary, unsure gaze.

  He was kneeling right behind her. Warm, honey-brown eyes stared back into hers. His fine, dark eyebrows were raised slightly in surprise.

  “Testing you’re senses,” Raoul replied lightly.

  Jasmine scooted back to make sure both vampires were in her view.

  The fact he had been suddenly behind her was unsettling. With their vampiric speed and strength, it was natural for them to move so fast. Really though, she had not needed the demonstration. It just reminded her what they were. Vampires.

  “Jasmine, do not be alarmed. We mean you no harm,” Eric assured her.

  The look in his cold eyes was sincere. For a moment, she thought she even saw a hint of concern before it was swallowed by the ice.

  “Just…don’t sneak up on me, please,” she said firmly. Playing silly games was something she was not interested in.

  Raoul bobbed his head in agreement. Slowly he rose to his feet and backed away. The push of power retreated.

  “It was merely our way to observe how open your gifts are,” Eric explained. He had not moved from this cross-legged position. “The fact you sensed Raoul moving proves how open you are now.”

  She slid back to her original position. “What do you mean?”

  Raoul had flopped himself back into the chair in the corner. “You should not be able to sense us.”

  “Because vampires can move so stealthily you mean?”

  The vampire shared a strange look. Jasmine had the feeling they were having a private conversation. Was that even possible? What had she said to put those expressions on their face?

  “Let us return to breathing, shall we?” Eric suddenly said with a smile.

  “Shouldn’t we be doing something else?”

  Taking it easy for a while was great, but didn’t they have an arms dealer to stop? And an evil doctor with a diabolical toxin?

  “There is nothing else to do but wait,” Eric informed her patiently. “Raoul’s contact will inform us if anything is happening. For now we have time for this.”

  The vampire seemed determined to get her to do breathing exercises. How it was supposed to help her sensitivity, she didn’t know. It felt rather silly.

  Jasmine pulled a face beginning to fidget. “I still don’t understand why we’re doing this.”

  Eric ran a hand through his tousled, black hair. He pinned her with a patient look. “I told you, your gift is extraordinarily strong. If you were trained correctly, it would benefit you greatly.”

  Her ears perked up. “How?”

  “No supernatural would be able to hide from your detection. Not even if they knew how to hide themselves.”

  Jasmine tilted
her head and stared at him across the space with astonishment. Holy shit, if this were true she would be so much more valuable to her team. Her boss would appreciate her a little more. She might even become indispensable.

  A smile of amusement spread across the vamp's handsome features. “I see from your expression you understand the potential for this.”

  Drawing the plump flesh of her lower lips between her teeth, she nibbled on it. Why was this vampire helping her? She had been nothing but trouble for him since they met. She had to ask.

  “Why are you helping me, though? Won’t I be a threat to supernaturals like you?”

  Those cerulean blue eyes of his narrowed to gleaming, assessing slits. “I do not believe you would ever use your gifts for the wrong reasons, Jasmine, and I am willing to take the chance.”

  A sense of overpowering pleasure rushed through her at his words. He trusted her to use her gifts for good. How strange that this made her so dizzyingly happy.

  “Now close your eyes.”

  With a big grin, she readily closed them.

  Half an hour later Jasmine was getting bored. Meditating was not as easy as she had thought. Her mind kept wandering. She couldn’t seem to find her Zen place, as Raoul called it, and let her brain switch off.

  She had no idea how the vampires managed it.

  Hearing movement in the room, Jasmine peeked with one eye open.

  Raoul had left his spot in the corner. He had been back on his laptop for the last ten minutes, doing God knows what. The soft sound of typing had become distracting. She watched as the mocha-skinned vampire walked almost silently across the room. He reminded her of a big jungle cat on the prowl. When he reached the mini fridge, he yanked it open. Tucked inside were four plastic bags of dark red liquid.

  Jasmine’s other eye popped open. Gaze glued to the bag, she recognised them for what they were. Blood.

  He hadn’t seemed to notice he had an audience. As he was turned to the side she could see his profile. Raoul tugged out one of the bags, closed the fridge, and lifted the blood up to his mouth.