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FrostBite (The Hunter Chronicles Book 1) Page 15

  They still had an audience. She knew she needed to keep up the pretence of being drunk. Giggling, she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. His skin was wonderfully warm. The smell of snow and pine wrapped itself around her senses.

  Desire rolled through Jasmine. Closing her eyes, she kept her face pressed to his skin. Oddly, she felt safe there.

  The vampire’s arms tightened around her.

  “Forgive my girlfriend.” Eric’s deep voice rumbled in his chest. “It seems she is partying a little too much this evening.”

  A smile curved her lips. The vamp always caught on so fast. She liked that about him.

  “She is not allowed back here.” The wolf’s voice was now hard. Was he disappointed she was taken?

  Jasmine didn’t answer. Letting the vampire deal with the problem seemed the best thing to do. He was, after all, in charge.

  Eric’s free hand slid slowly down her side. His big palm abruptly cupped her bottom. Jasmine made a little squeak of surprise.

  “I shall endeavour to make sure it does not happen again,” he assured the other male calmly. He squeezed one of Jasmine's cheeks possessively. Kneading gently, he massaged the flesh.

  She bit back a moan of pleasure. What the hell was he doing? Suddenly she got the impression he was staking his claim. Did he know the guy was a werewolf? Maybe he was warning him off.

  When the hand shifted its attention to the other arse cheek, she could not hold back the moan this time. Burying her face against his chest, she gripped his tuxedo jacket. Excitement was rocketing through her.

  Jasmine trembled. She practically melted against him, unable to stop herself.

  The vampire nuzzled her hair.

  “Come, my lovely. Let us get back to the party,” he murmured softly against her ear.


  Eric hid his irritation as he led Jasmine back into the main part of the boat. She had not followed his orders. This he found infuriating. What in damnation had she been doing sneaking about the boat? He had scented her the moment he and the others had left the cabin. Jasmine had been damn lucky not to be discovered by Marcel or Pierre. He did not need them becoming suspicious of her presence. Not now. They had worked far too hard for things to be jeopardized.

  The fact that his body had reacted instantly to her nearness also annoyed him. It had only taken her snuggling close to make him painfully hard. Even now he was sporting an erection of steel. And his fangs had practically been screaming for release. The slender curve of her neck had been on display. Eric had taken a moment to greedily drink the sight in. The urge to sink his fangs into her had made him almost dizzy with need.

  Scenting the other male’s arousal had not helped. Eric had acted instinctively laying his claim. He wanted to leave no doubt in the other man’s mind she was his and his alone.

  Jasmine was not his, though. Not yet anyway. Even that would be temporary. Eric did not need a female in his life. A permanent arrangement was impossible with the work he did. He did not need the complication.

  It also disturbed him that it had pleased him in some measure to mark her as his own. He did not mark or claim women. They were a pleasurable distraction and nothing more. Nothing was more important than his work.

  Eric suppressed a growl. Stamping down his lust, he focused on his mission. Tonight he had learnt of others in the game. Marcel, it seemed, was a wanted man. A target was on his back. No doubt a price as well.

  At any other time, he would have been happy to allow one of them to have the arms dealer. However, there was more at stake than dealing with the fat man. His partner, Dasyurus, was a dangerous man. Eric could not afford to let any of his creations fall into the wrong hands.


  They emerged into the main area. Eric had not spoken a word to her since leading her back. Apart from his hand on her elbow, he hadn’t touched her again. This was kind of a relief. She was still trying to recover from having her bottom fondled. The vampire definitely had skilled hands. He had seemed to know right where to touch her.

  Jasmine glanced at him nervously. Was he still angry with her? She had never expected him to come to her rescue. He had found her far too quickly for it to be coincidental. This could only mean he had sensed her when he had passed where she had been hiding. Crap.

  Jasmine was not prepared when Eric swept her out onto the dance floor. One minute they were walking. The next she was in his arms. He curved them around her waist as he dragged her up against him. His eyes glimmered like cold sapphires.

  Swaying them to the rhythm of the slow music, he moved them into the dancing crowd. They were body to body. Jasmine’s eyes shot wide in surprise. The press of his erection rested against her stomach. His very large erection, she registered in a daze.

  “What were you doing back there?” The words were said in an even, pleasant voice.

  He was still angry with her. More than angry. Although his face was remote, she could see it in his eyes.

  “Looking for the bathroom,” she managed meekly.

  She knew it was a lame excuse. With him so close, though, it was the best she could do. Her body had gone into overdrive. The points of her nipples were taut with excitement. A strange neediness flowed through her. Already she could feel moisture soaking her panties. How could being pressed up against him flame her desire? Jasmine kept her eyes on his face.

  Irritation tightened his features. “Jasmine, do not lie to me.”

  She sighed shakily. “I wanted to see if I could help. Maybe learn something.”

  Eric pressed his face to her hair. Then his nose nuzzled the curve of her neck. His breath was warm against her skin.

  “And did you?” It was the softest of murmurs.

  Jasmine was having a hard time concentrating. She felt breathless and dizzy. “N-no, n-nothing.”

  They were still moving to the music. Their forms glided fluidly together with the slow, sultry voice of the female singers.

  “I should spank you for your disobedience,” he muttered angrily against her ear. “I know I would enjoy having that delectable little bottom under my palm.”

  Jasmine could not contain the shudder of excitement. Confusion darkened her eyes. How could he say things like that to her and how the hell could she find them so arousing? It was crazy.

  Pulling back a little, he stared down into her face. Eric’s frosty eyes glittered knowingly. “You would enjoy it too, would you not, kitten?”

  “I-I don’t know,” she admitted quietly.

  She had never even thought about that before. Now for some reason, she couldn’t get the image of Eric slapping her naked arse out of her head.

  Nervously she bit at her lower lip.

  A smile touched his mouth. “Hmm…perhaps when we have some more time we shall find out.”

  Jasmine had a feeling he would do it, too. She felt her body clench with desire.

  “H-how long do we have to stay?” she managed to ask. They were still in the middle of the party. Neither of them could let themselves get distracted. The bloody vampire knew that. Yet here he was teasing her.

  Amusement danced across his features. “I have concluded my business, so another hour or two to be polite.”

  His arms loosened, allowing her to move fractionally away. No longer squished against him, the haze of desire in her mind dimmed.


  One of Eric’s dark eyebrows rose enquiringly. “Are you bored already, my lovely?” he mocked softly.

  Jasmine shook her head and looked away. “No.” She just didn’t want to be sexually tormented by Eric all night. Having to deal with all these feelings she hadn’t experienced before was already overwhelming. Sexual frustration was something she did not need. She also didn’t want to bump into Pierre again. With the vampire back at her side, though, it probably wouldn’t happen.

  “Then enjoy yourself,” the vampire suggested as he twirled her around gracefully. “We shall dance and enjoy the atmosphere of the party and play our parts well.”<
br />
  Eric spent another hour whirling her around the dance floor. He was polite and friendly but always vigilant. They ended up chatting about the city mostly. Eric had apparently been to Paris many times before. He had even seen the Eiffel Tower being built, which she found a little amazing.

  He looked like he was in his late thirties, but from what he had said, he had to be hundreds of years old. The vamp blended in so well, it was easy to forget what he was. A vampire.

  Jasmine noticed, though, he made sure not to touch her seductively again. The distance between their bodies was rigidly maintained. He was an attentive partner, smoothly leading them into each dance.

  Twitch had said nothing more, but she had a feeling he was still listening in on his end. She was half-tempted to tease him, but she didn’t. Too many people were around. Jasmine could not take the chance.

  By the time they stopped dancing, her feet were killing her. Jasmine limped from the dance floor. Now she remembered why she hated wearing heels.

  The vampire's hand rest gently on her elbow. “Come. Another drink I think.”

  Alcohol sounded like a fabulous idea. Hopefully it would dull the pain, which was shooting up her ankles. She bit back a moan of agony. Sitting down was another good option.

  With ease, Eric retrieved two flute of champagne from a passing waiter.

  “My feet are killing me,” she muttered, accepting the offered glass. “I hate these fu…fricking things.” At the last minute she managed to stop herself from swearing. The vamp would probably get pissed if she cussed. He was angry enough already.

  Eric glanced down at her legs. “Forgive me. I forget those must be uncomfortable when worn for so long.”

  “You have no idea,” Jasmine responded bitingly then sipped at her champagne.

  How other women could wear them all day she didn’t have a clue. She was happiest in trainers. These were starting to feel like cruel and unusual torture devices.

  The champagne poured smoothly down her throat. She prayed it wouldn’t take long to deaden the cramps, which were twisting the soles of her feet.

  The vampire chuckled. “I count myself lucky that I shall never know.”

  “I would have to agree with you there.” Mr Smith was standing just behind them. “Those things look darn dangerous.”

  Jasmine glanced at him nervously. How long had the guy been standing there?

  Eric did not seem surprised to see him. “I am amazed to see you this far over the pond, Smith.”

  The American moved closer. A pleasant smile tilted his lips, as he regarded them.

  “We’ve had our eye on Marcel Coupe for a while now.” The man slid him a meaningful look. “You're here on business, too?”

  Jasmine took another sip of alcohol as she watched them. They obviously knew each other. She wondered how.

  The vampire’s eyes were alight with amusement. “But of course.”

  Smith gazed out of the crowded dance floor toward the arms dealer. He was mingling with his guests. A smug smile was on his toad-like features.

  He had an unhappy looking Claude in tow, with Pierre trailing them at a distance. Randall and Sir John were both also not far. They seemed to be gravitating round the Frenchman like he was a round, little sun.

  “This damn business is making me uneasy,” the American muttered softly. “It was a helluva lot easier back in the old days.”

  Eric made a hum of agreement. “Weapons evolve. Things become more dangerous. I agree it is not as it once was.”

  Rubbing a hand tiredly over his face, Smith sighed. “I may just step back and let you deal with it then.”

  Eric’s eyebrows inched up slightly in surprise. “How generous of you.”

  After taking a flute glass from a passing waiter, the American took a deep gulp of the contents. His eyes remained on Marcel.

  “I’m getting old, Eric. I think it’s time to get out while the going’s good. I want to retire.”

  Concern darkened the vampire’s eyes. “Perhaps that is the best, old friend, if you truly feel that way.”

  By now Jasmine had worked out that Smith had to be working for some kind of agency. The FBI or CIA seemed like the best bet.

  At that point, she realised she still didn’t have a clue who the vamp worked for. It was a little annoying and also frustrating. He was so damn secretive sometimes.

  “I want at least one dance with this young lady, though, before I go,” she heard the American saying.

  Jasmine almost groaned. The cramping in her feet had dulled, but it still ached. Could she really put herself through another dance?

  Amused sympathy settled over Eric’s features. “I believe Jasmine is all danced out.”

  She glanced towards Smith. Could be an opportunity to dig for information. Could she really give that up? This guy obviously knew Eric. Jasmine wanted to know how.

  She pinned a cheerful smile on her face. “Oh, I can dance one more for your friend.”

  The vampire showed no surprise. In fact he looked like he might have even been expecting it.

  “It seems she’s keen to leave you,” Smith said with a chuckle.

  Eric’s lips quirked in amusement. “Indeed, it does.”

  “Maybe I just fancy a different dance partner.” She flashed the vampire a quick smile. He accepted the champagne flute she shoved into his hand.

  The American offered her his arm. Placing her hand on his elbow, Jasmine let him draw her back out onto the dance floor.

  The moment she started moving, her feet began to throb. Gritting her teeth behind her lips, she settled into the dance.

  Smith didn’t dance as well as Eric. He was not as smooth and fluid in his movements. She also felt none of the red hot desire she had experienced in the vampire's arms.

  “How do you know Eric?”

  Smith didn’t seem shocked at her question. Wary amusement glinted in his eyes. He chuckled. “Straight down to business, aren’t you, little lady?”

  She could feel a pair of icy eyes on her. The vampire was watching them. Goosebumps rose over her flesh with excitement. Eric could probably hear their every word, but she didn’t care.

  Jasmine smiled instead. “I don’t believe in wasting time. You act like you know each other.”

  The American pulled her closer. His lips rested gentle against her ear. Anyone else watching would probably think he was whispering intimately.

  “We do.” His soft murmur made her shiver.


  Jasmine felt him smile. “We’ve worked on a few situations together over the years.”

  So Smith did work for a government agency.

  He pulled back until he could see her face. “I see you understand my meaning.”

  Amusement danced in her green eyes. “More than you know. I work for the Yard in London,” he whispered back.

  Something flickered in the older man’s eyes for a moment. Then he smiled. “I thought there was more to you than meets the eye.”

  He twirled her suddenly across the floor before reeling her back into his arms. Jasmine couldn’t help but laugh. The movement left her feeling a little dizzy. Her feet were in constant pain now, but it was worth it.

  “Are you really going to let Eric deal with this?” she asked a little breathlessly.

  Smith nodded. “He’s the best freelancer in the business. It’s his neck on the line instead of mine for once. Plus he’s a little more indestructible.”

  As they meandered around in a circle, Jasmine caught site of Eric. He was sipping his champagne, but those intense cerulean eyes of his were watching her with a smouldering look.

  She swallowed hard. God he looked so damn sexy in that tux. His eyes burned hotter when they met hers. Something dark and hungry passed within their depths. One moment it was there; the next it was gone.

  Jasmine felt her heart rate pick up with excitement. Dragging her eyes away, she looked back at her dance partner. He hadn’t seemed to notice her distraction.

You know what he is?” she whispered leaning a little closer into him.

  Smith chuckled. “It took me near enough twenty years of working with him to work that out.” His sharp eyes met hers. “I can see why Eric likes you.”

  Jasmine drew back with surprise. “You do?”

  A grin spread across the American’s face. “You have a little sass and I have a feeling you’ll keep him on his toes.”

  Jasmine laughed and grinned back. She very much doubted Eric saw it that way. He probably thought she was a pain in the arse like her boss did.

  The song came to an end. Gallantly, Smith took her arm and led her back across the room. The vampire stood waiting for them.

  “You have yourself a little charmer there,” Smith told him before stepping back. “It was nice to meet you, ma’am.” He tipped his head politely in her direction.

  “It was nice to meet you to, Mr. Smith,” Jasmine replied with a smile. She watched as the American turned and made his way through the crowd.

  “Enjoy your dance?” Eric enquired softly. He held out the half-empty glass he had been holding for her.

  Curling her hand around it, she accepted it back gratefully. She needed more alcohol after all that. Her feet were balls of agony. It fucking hurt. A lot.

  Jasmine winced as pain cramped through her legs. “Yes.”

  The vampire’s deep chuckle filled her ears. “Learn anything useful?”

  She sent him a sideways look. “Yes, that you’re not the only one after the fat man. But you knew that already.”

  A ghost of a smile touched his lips. “Of course. Do you think only one government would feel unsafe? Smith isn’t the only one I noticed in this crowd tonight.”

  “There are more?” Her eyes danced around the teeming room for a moment. The glamour and glitzy folks in front of her did not look like operatives. Then again nor did she or Eric.


  Pain tightened her features. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep standing up. Eric watched as she took a welcome gulp from her glass.

  “Why don’t you let them deal with him then?” Jasmine asked after a moment.