FrostBite (The Hunter Chronicles Book 1) Read online

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  The pulse point at her throat caught his eye. Blood. He could perceive it beneath her warm supple skin. Sense the movement as it pumped within her veins. Eric wanted to taste it once again. Feel the coppery potent liquid as it coursed down his throat and quenched his hunger. Would she moan with desire as she had before? Her lush little body would be awash with pleasure. He would make sure of that.

  Eric felt his fangs begin to ache within his gums. Slowly he moved his gaze to the curve of her neck. He did not need to feed for at least a few days. Unlike a human vampire, his kind did not need to feed every night. He knew it was Jasmine’s blood he wanted when he did, though.

  She had not moved from where he had tucked her against him. The heat of her body warmed his side.

  Are you hungry Eric? Do you intend to feed on her here in the lift? Raoul’s teasing voice whispered through his mind. Do you wish me to halt its progress so you may ravish her?

  Eric’s attention snapped upwards and met his friends. Honey-brown eyes stared back at him with laughing amusement.

  Eric knew he was not acting like himself. He had never been caught ogling a female’s neck before. Even Raoul could see the girl’s effect on him. He repressed a growl.

  His friend had also been witness to his divulging information to her regarding their powers. Eric had never done such a thing before, never revealed their abilities to a mortal. It was most unheard of. Jasmine was worse than a truth serum. She seemed to be completely unaware of her effect on him to. She was dangerous.

  No. He growled back.

  She is quite the little distraction is she not? She has that 'je ne sais quoi.' Raoul continued.

  One of Eric’s dark eyebrows rose. I believe she will be nothing but trouble. Straightening up, he began to draw on his icy control. A slip like this would not do. He could not afford to make a mistake tonight. Eric could not allow a distraction to ruin his plans. He could only hope he had not been wrong to let the girl come along.

  Jasmine moved from his side when the door sprang open. Together they moved into the foyer and waited while Raoul went to get the car.

  The foyer was gaily decorated with brightly coloured Christmas decorations, reflecting the festivities of the season elegantly. Eric barely noticed them.

  Jasmine hadn't said much since they had left the suite. Eric wondered what she was contemplating. Maybe she, too, had second thoughts about this evening. Did she now regret agreeing to come? He knew there was still time for her to change her mind. It would be easy enough to leave her at the hotel. Attending the party without an escort could be easily covered if necessary.

  “Jasmine, you do not have to accompany me tonight if you do not wish,” he said softly.

  She was standing so close. He could feel the heat from her body through her coat. He had never been so aware of how small she was before.

  “Hmm…no, I want to, Eric.” Tilting her chin up, she met his gaze with her lovely green eyes. Her smile was nervous but genuine. “I’ve just never been to anything like this before. I don’t want to let you down.”

  He could not help but smile at her words. “I assure you that will be impossible.”

  She knew what they were there for. His plan was to let her mingle and nothing more. He would not put her in any danger.

  “Do you think Twitch is OK?” Her eyes darkened with worry.

  She caught him off guard for a moment, but Eric recovered quickly.

  “Marcel requires him. I doubt he will have been treated shabbily.” He gave her a small smile of reassurance. “You care for the techno mage?”

  Did she have feelings for the young man? Perhaps a budding romance had started between them. It could, for all he knew, have just begun.

  Jealousy ripped through Eric so violently he almost hissed. Tamping down the unpleasant emotion, he let none of it show on his face.

  Jasmine was fiddling with her purse again. “He’s my best friend as well as my co-worker. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him.”

  A sense of relief flooded through him. “Then we shall do all in our power to bring him home safely.”

  He knew the words would give her false security the moment they left his mouth. No power on Earth could assure her friend’s survival. Eric would do all he could to try and bring the mage out alive, though. That much was true.

  Jasmine relaxed at his words. It was a subtle movement that his eyes detected—the tiny loosening of her slender shoulders and her facial muscles.

  Pleasure rushed through him. She believed him. Why that felt important, he did not know.

  Eric frowned, slightly dizzy at the successions of emotions he had just experienced in the space of a few minutes. It was most unsettling and he was not sure he liked it. Since meeting her, he had lost all self-control over his feelings. Normally they were ruthlessly kept leashed from centuries of discipline. His icy reserve generally was absolute. Nothing melted it.

  What Eric needed was to fuck her until she was out of his system. When that was achieved, he could move on. There was no doubt in his mind he would soon be back to his old self. This lapse in control was a temporary setback.

  Jasmine would be a wonderful diversion. It was just a pity they did not have time. Perhaps after this business in Paris was completed, he could take his time to satisfy this craving for her.

  Raoul was suddenly beside them once again. “The car is outside, Sir.”

  Gently taking her elbow, Eric steered her towards the door. They settle into a natural, matched pace. He knew they looked like any other rich couple heading out to dinner. No one suspected he and Raoul were vampires. They had long ago learnt the ability to hide what they were. It came as natural as breathing.

  The elegant grey Bentley was parked at the side of the road.

  Jasmine’s eyes ran over the vehicle appreciatively. “Nice car.”

  Eric tried not to smile at her words. He very much doubted her department could afford such things for any of their cases. It was one of the luxuries he had for being very well paid and freelance.

  “It suits our purposes for this evening,” Eric replied.

  “Is it rented?”

  Amusement shone in his eyes when he met her curious glance. “But of course.”

  Raoul was already holding the door open for her. He had fallen into his role as driver as smoothly as any other role he had played. The other vampire was the perfect actor. Back straight, he stood passively, awaiting them. He wore the bland, respectful expression of a treasured employee.

  They were masters of fitting in and could easily assume any character they needed. It was what they trained for. What they lived for.

  Eric was already focusing on the alias he was using. Richard Jeger, a businessman who had found a market in the Middle East for dangerous new weapons. It had taken a year to carefully build a reputation. In that time, Eric had nurtured acquaintances that would lead him to Marcel Coupe. He had done so with the utmost care. Now things were finally coming together.

  Jasmine slipped gracefully into the lavish car. Eric followed her in silently and watched as Raoul closed the door. Moving to the front, Raoul slid easily behind the wheel.

  “So how am I supposed to play this?”

  Jasmine’s softly asked question shattered the composure he had gathered.

  Blinking in confusion, he met her gaze. “Play?”

  Her words conjured up images of just how Eric would like to ‘play’ with her. Long and hard, until they were both pleasurably sated. Then he would take her some more.

  She was glancing out at the night through her window. “Yes, how do you want me to act?”

  Eric wiped the dark, hungry look from his face just as she turned to look at him. It would not do for her to see it. The girl was nervous enough as it was. Knowing he was lusting after her would not help.

  He kept his expression remote. “Marcel believes he knows my tastes in women, so you will have to act accordingly.”

  Jasmine’s green eyes were wary. “And that is h

  “Submissive and obedient.”

  “Oh.” A pretty pink blush kissed her cheeks.

  Eric tried not to grin but a smirk escaped anyway. “I am sure you will be able to play the part well, Jasmine, to assist your friend. Merely look at me adoringly, I think that will suffice. Pretend I have seduced you into becoming my mistress with my charms.”

  He did not want Jasmine acting submissively tonight. Obedient would do. She would need to follow his orders to the letter. Eric would expect this from her.

  “Is that your taste in women?”

  He blinked at her abrupt question.

  Picking his words, he answered her slowly. “I have known many women over my long existence. All have been different in many ways. Submissive females, I do find pleasing to an extent, but not always. Sometimes I like some fire, a challenge.”

  She nodded, then turned to stare out of the window again.

  Eric wondered which one Jasmine would be. Would she bring fire to his bed or submissiveness? He hoped it was a little of both.

  Chapter 15

  The massive boat glittered in the dark on the Seine. Jasmine eyed it nervously. It had to be at least seventy five metres long. No doubt Marcel had bought it with the money from his weapon sales. He did well with his blood money, it seemed. Just thinking about it made her feel sick. In her eyes, the guy was a monster.

  Coloured Christmas lights had been hung across the long deck. They shone welcomingly in the darkness. She could make out other guests walking down towards the vessel along the river.

  Jasmine was still thinking over Eric’s words. She wasn’t surprised he liked submissive women. He was, after all, a very dominant male and probably liked having his own way all the time. Even in his bed. No wonder it annoyed him that she had not followed his orders. Jasmine could not imagine following someone else’s wishes blindly. She was not built that way.

  Her parents had raised her to question things, which was why her boss Mark called her a pain in the arse. She was always questioning things or voicing her opinion. Her behaviour annoyed the hell out of him, but he did not discourage it.

  With Eric as her boss, would he try to stamp that out? Would he expect her to obey him without question? Jasmine shifted uneasily. She had to admit she was already having a hard time thinking of him as her superior. Every time he came close, she just got so turned on, which was both annoying and exciting.

  When he had held her so close to his side in the lift, excitement had rushed through her body. She had practically melted into him. Just him whispering in her ear and she’d been wet. God help her if he ever tried to seduce her. Jasmine feared she would be putty in his hands. She was seriously going to have to work on her focus.

  They had parked along a road beside the river in silence. Jasmine wasn’t sure if the vampires were nervous or not. They weren’t showing it if they were. If this is what they did for a living, they were definitely seasoned operatives. They had probably done things like this more times than she could count. She had to wonder what else they did. With the set of skills and powers they had, they could probably do almost anything. Be anything.

  Raoul helped her politely out of the back of the car. “I shall be here waiting in case you need me,” Raoul informed her quietly.

  Jasmine gave him a nervous smile. She really hoped they wouldn’t. If all went as planned, they would just blend in with the party. Eric had the reason she was with him covered. They should not need any back-up.

  The night was chilly and she was thankful for the warmth of the long, woollen coat. The crisp air filled her lungs as she took a deep, steadying breath. Fuck, she wished she could stop being nervous. She would have given anything to be calm and collected. Maybe over time she would gain that. Her own team did undercover work from time to time, too. Not that she had taken part in any yet.

  Eric was suddenly beside her. His arm wrapped around her waist, drawing her close into his warmth. Jasmine’s little shiver had nothing to do with the cold. Desire poured through her. Damn vampire. Why did he have to affect her in such a way?

  Eric frowned down at her. “Come, I have no wish for you to get cold. The boat will be suitably warm.”

  Settling her arm through his, she allowed him to escort her towards the boat.

  Jasmine heard her heels clicking on the path as they moved. Other arriving guests joined them as they walked down towards the river. Excitement was heavy in the cold night air. The voices of those around them were enthusiastic and animated. She didn’t know what they were saying as it was all in French, but they seemed happy. Did they really knew who Marcel was? Did they just know him as a French businessman? She doubted it would be common knowledge he was a notorious arms dealer.

  The walk down towards the boat did not take long. They easily reached the boarding area, where two large intimidating men stood guard. Guests, it seemed, had to have an invitation to board the boat. Marcel probably didn’t want just anyone at his party. He certainly had enemies. If any of them wanted to take him out, this evening might be a perfect opportunity. Jasmine kind of hoped someone would. At least she might get Twitch back a lot quicker.

  Jasmine glanced at the vampire at her side. Eric was already slipping the invitation from his coat pocket. Catching her gaze, he gave her a wink.

  “Invitations only.” One of the men held out his large hand.

  Dutifully, Eric placed it into the outstretched palm.

  Jasmine was so focused on what he was doing that she didn’t pick up on the noise straight away. A soft buzzing in her left ear abruptly morphed into a whine. She winced as it grew in pitch.

  “Fuck.” She pressed a hand to the offending ear.

  Eric gave her a sharp cold look. “Jasmine, you cannot use such language when we are aboard the boat,” he scolded lightly.

  She ignored him as pain sliced though her eardrum. Jabbing a finger into her ear didn’t seem to help. Pressing her lips together held back a cry of pain. Just as it became skull-splitting, it stopped.

  “Jazzy, can you hear me?” Twitch’s voice purred.

  A grimace tightened her features as the pain subsided. The earpiece Twitch had given her was working. Sort of. She had been a little worried she might have lost it. This just proved the little sucker was still attached and working. Relief flooded through her.

  Now how the fuck was she supposed to respond? If she just started talking it was going to look strange. Looking up, she found Eric’s eyes now lit with a questioning look. The guard was also watching her with a bemused expression. Great. She had an audience.

  Jasmine pinned a smile on her face. “Eric, darling. I think I might have dropped my bracelet on the way down.”

  “Who the hell is Eric?” Twitch whispered in her ear.

  She ignored him.

  Eric caught on quickly. An indulgent smile touched his lips. “Are you sure you did not leave it at home?”

  Jasmine batted her eyelashes at him. “Can we phone the maid and see if I left it in the bedroom?” She pouted. “I don’t want to get on board until I’m sure it’s safe.”

  She tugged at her earlobe. To anyone else, it might look like a nervous gesture. She just hoped the vamp remembered what she had said about the earpiece.

  Nothing changed in his expression.

  Jasmine tried not to roll her eyes. She was new at playing spy, but surely a gesture like this was universal.

  Eric’s hand curled around her elbow. “Of course we can.” He glanced dismissively at the guard. “Excuse us for a moment.”

  Plucking the invitation from the man’s hand, he slid it back into his pocket. Jasmine did not resist as he led the way. He guided her gracefully away from the boat. They kept walking until they were out of earshot. Stopping in the darkness, Jasmine glanced back. The lights on the boat twinkled and glittered. A steady flow of guests were still boarding. The guards did not have time to glance their way.

  Eric stood with his big body shielding her. He slid his hand into his pocket, pulle
d out his mobile and handed it to her.

  “What if someone walks up behind you?” Jasmine asked.

  The blue, icy eyes watching her warmed with amusement. “They will not get a chance. I will know long before that if they move in our direction. Talk to your friend.”

  His vampiric senses would warn him, she realized. Sometimes it was easy to forget what he was.

  Jasmine pretended to use the phone. Pressing it to her ear she talked freely. “Twitch?”

  “Who the hell is Eric?” Twitch’s voice was low and menacing.

  She knew he was just worried about her. He probably had been going out of his mind wondering where she was. She couldn’t blame him for being suspicious.

  “A friend,” she assured him quickly.

  He sighed almost tiredly. “I have been trying for hours to reach you, but the range on this thing fucking sucks. Are you OK?”

  She could hear the anxiety and concern in his tone. Some of the tension she had been holding inside melted away. He was safe for now. At least now they could communicate.

  “Yeah I’m fine,” she said. “I’m with that vamp I saw at Marcel’s. Turns out he’s one of the good guys.”

  She sensed his relief. “Marcel wouldn’t tell me where you were. He said if I didn’t do as he asked he’d hurt you.”

  That was not surprising. Just because Marcel had lost her didn’t mean he would have stopped using her as a bargaining chip. Twitch would have had a hard time doubting his word as they had last been together. Knowing the techno mage, he wouldn’t have risked it.

  “Where are you? Are you on the boat?”

  Twitch made a little hum of annoyance. “No, I’m locked in a basement. Why are you on a boat?”

  Disappointed flowed through her. They would find Twitch one way or another even if it wasn’t tonight.

  “Marcel is throwing a Christmas party. I’m undercover with the vamp.”

  She glanced up at Eric. He was watching her closely with a cool aloofness. The predator in him was focused on her every word. Jasmine could feel the push of his will against hers. His eyes were practically hypnotic, glinting like hard blue sapphires in the light.