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FrostBite (The Hunter Chronicles Book 1) Page 11

  “Your boss, Detective Cummings, hid the techno mage's identity well,” Raoul said softly. “He knows our concerns and is now investigating his end.”

  She could barely believe his words. Jasmine could not imagine someone in her department betraying them. Everyone seemed so dedicated to the job. Would Mark really find a traitor?

  “He doesn’t know you're vampires, does he?”

  Raoul’s eyebrows inched up. “No, he does not. It is a secret we would rather have kept.”

  “Because you can go out in sunlight?” The words were out of her mouth before she could suck them back in. Jasmine bit at her lower lip. She really needed to curb the habit of talking before thinking first.

  Amusement flared in Raoul’s honey brown eyes. “Correct. In our line of work, secrets like this are important. So we would rather you kept it to yourself.”

  He was right. Something like that had to be a big advantage. It still didn’t add up though. If every vamp could go out in sunlight, someone would have caught them doing it by now.

  “We must now focus on Marcel Coupe.” Leaning forwards, Eric rested his forearms on the top of his thighs and laced together his fingers. “He believes I am an avid party in a new weapon he is having perfected. He has also mentioned a demonstration.”

  Jasmine leaned back in her chair. “That doesn’t sound good.” She couldn’t imagine what the demonstration would be. It would probably cause meaningless deaths.

  “No, it does not.” Eric continued. “I have yet to be told when and where. It is something, though, we must not allow.”

  Jasmine knew he had to know more than that. Whatever Marcel was selling seemed to have the vampires worried.

  “What kind of weapon is it?”

  Eric answered with a grim smile. “As I have said, Marcel has partnered with a doctor who we know nothing about. He has been responsible for various new deadly toxins that have come onto the black market. The results of this was diabolical.”

  Toxins, which she realised, must have gained the vampire's interest. This had to mean it was deadly serious. They must have already seen the damage this Doctor Dasyurus had done with his previous results. Now they were here to stop him. Did this mean it affects vampires too?

  “So you think it’s some kind of toxin Marcel will be selling?”

  Eric lifted one big shoulder in a shrug. “I believe it is possible, but I also have a feeling Dasyurus will branch into other areas. He or she does not strike me as someone who will be content dabbling in only one area alone.”

  Jasmine hesitated for a moment. “What did the other toxins do?”

  Eric’s gaze met hers. “I would rather not say. Not because it is a secret, but because I would prefer to spare you from nightmares.”

  This meant she probably really did not need to know. If it was as bad as Eric was letting on, then they had to stop this new one being sold.

  Jasmine began to nibble nervously on her lower lip. “Why are you telling me all this? I thought you wanted me to stay in the hotel.”

  Raoul, who had been silent up until now, answered her. “Your knowledge of the techno mage…your friend may come in useful.”

  He was still leaning back against the sofa, a picture of ease. Arms crossed over his chest.

  Jasmine suddenly felt uncomfortable. “I guess that makes sense.”

  “Besides,” Eric continued, “you will no doubt overhear our plans. At least this way you know what is at stake.”

  That was true. Jasmine also knew she couldn’t just sit around now either. “I want to help.”

  Eric rose from the sofa and strode to the window. Hands clasped behind his back, he surveyed the view for a moment. He was silent for so long she thought he was ignoring her.

  “You may assist Raoul with surveillance,” he replied, turning back to the room.

  “You still need an escort for the party tonight,” Raoul pointed out quietly.

  “True,” Eric replied, drawing out the word. “I am not sure Jasmine is up to such a task after her ordeal with the explosion, however.” He moved his gaze to her face.

  “Party?” Jasmine asked, focusing on that rather than on the last part of his sentence.

  Eric frowned. “A Christmas party Marcel is throwing for friends and acquaintances. It is to be held on a boat on the Seine, but I am not sure…”

  “I feel fine and I want to do this,” she insisted cutting him off with a smile. “But won’t Marcel recognise me?”

  The vampire was still frowning at her. His cold blue eyes coloured with what looked like concern.

  “He knew I had some interest in you. Perhaps we can find a plausible excuse for your presence. It is conceivable.”

  Was he worried about her? Maybe he thought as she was human, she couldn’t handle it. Jasmine felt a swirl of annoyance.

  “I can try and contact Twitch at the same time,” she responded firmly. No way was she not doing this. Feeling useful was something she needed. Jasmine knew she would go nuts just sitting on the sidelines. She was not someone who could just wait about.

  From the expression on Eric’s face, she had caught him off guard.

  “You are in contact with the techno mage?” His tone was surprised.

  Jasmine couldn’t stop the small, smug smile forming on her lips. “Only if the range is close enough. He gave me a magical earpiece.”

  The vampires glanced at each other for a moment. Some kind of message must have somehow passed between them, she realised when she saw Raoul give a subtle nod.

  Eric’s gaze returned to hers. “Very well, but you will spend the day resting. You were in an explosion yesterday and I will need you vigilant and awake tonight.”

  Chapter 13

  Jasmine spent the rest of the day sleeping or watching television in the bedroom. She deliberately kept the door open to keep an eye on what was going on. Not that much did. The vampires were busy making phone calls or on their laptops. They seemed to forget she was there at all.

  Eric entered the bedroom once in the morning. Curtain rod in hand, he prowled into the bathroom and fixed the shower. His eyes were amused when they met hers. She wondered if he was impressed with her ingenuity.

  Raoul went out at some point. She didn’t know where as no one had told her. They had surveillance on the arms dealer from what she had overheard, so she guessed he had gone to check that.

  Around lunchtime, room service brought up a sandwich. Jasmine hadn't ordered it and guessed Eric had done it for her. He insisted she eat and drink tea. Why he was so intent on feeding her, she did not know. Still, she was very grateful for the food.

  Her nervousness had passed and she was starving. After watching her devour the sandwich, he sent her back to bed. She was beginning to feel like a naughty child. She got the impression he was doing it to keep her out of the way. That suited her just fine. Her body still ached from her ordeal and she was happy to rest it.

  By six p.m., though, she was getting bored. She learned quickly there was only so much satellite TV one could watch. Most of it was Christmas movies, which, of course, reminded her there were only two days left until the holiday. Where, she wondered, would she be by then? Hopefully she and Twitch would be back in London. Back home where they belonged.

  Jasmine wanted to feel useful. Lounging in the luxurious bed like the Queen of Sheba felt like a waste of time. She itched to get out and stretch her legs. Having a shower, she decided, was the best idea. She was supposed to be accompanying Eric to a party after all. Not that he had mentioned it again.

  Eric was waiting for her when she emerged from the shower. A little gasp left her as she found him standing in the middle of the bedroom, his hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans. The look on his face was brooding.

  His gaze skimmed over her robed form. “I have already laid out on the bed in Raoul's room what you will be required to wear. I hope you do not mind. I need to change myself in here.”

  She was suddenly aware of how very naked she was beneath he
r robe. Jasmine tugged it more securely around her. Another towel was wrapped around her short wet hair. “No, no, that’s fine.”

  “Are you sure you feel up to this?” He looked worried.

  Jasmine nodded. “Yes, Eric, I’m sure.”

  Icy blue eyes studied her face for a moment. “Very well then.”

  Standing awkwardly for a moment, she stared at him. Then with a nervous smile, she padded out of the door.

  The living room was empty. She guessed the other vampire was still out. Jasmine could feel Eric’s scrutiny on her back as she crossed the room. Heat rippled down her spine. Her stomach clenched with excitement.

  When she reached the other bedroom, she turned but the door to Eric’s room had already closed.

  How did he manage to do that to her? Just a glance and he had her all wet and trembling. Her experience with men was non-existent, but still she was pretty sure this was not normal. Was it because he was a vampire?

  She shut the door and walked over to the bed. Eric had not been kidding. A black dress, underwear, and a pair of black high heels lay on top of the neatly made bed. Jasmine moved closer. Sheer black hold ups were also on the pile along with a black-beaded clutch purse.

  Had he chosen the outfit?

  Jasmine hooked the lacy black panties with her finger and held them up.

  He had definitely gone for sexy. She guessed wearing sturdy cotton panties would not go with the rest of the outfit.

  She eyed the little black dress. Not the kind of thing she usually wore. Hell she rarely wore dresses at all only on special occasions. Jeans and T-shirt were her usual choice of clothing—warm and practical. Tonight, though, she had no choice but to wear it.

  She stripped off her robe and slipped on the expensive, lacy wisps of nothing. She glanced at the mirror against the wall. Jasmine was surprised to find she looked quite sexy.

  The panties, she quickly discovered, were a thong. Low on her hips, it felt a little uncomfortable as it was something she did not normally wear. It extenuated her hips and the slight swell of her tummy. She could see the curve of her crescent moon birthmark high on her hip peeping out.

  Frowning she searched for a bra but came up empty handed. It looked like she was going without. She picked up the dress and slipped it over her head. Shimmying a little helped to get it on.

  Jasmine stared at herself in the mirror again. The dress was short, the hem falling above her knees. The waistline flared slightly at the hips. Three-quarter sleeves finished at her elbows, leaving the burn on her forearm visible.

  A scooping neckline kept her breasts modestly covered, which was a relief. The deep-plunging back, which ended at the small of her back, made up for the good coverage of the front, however. She felt self-conscious and a little too exposed. Now it made sense why she was bra-less.

  The sheer black hold-ups caressed her skin as she eased them carefully up her legs and settled them around the tops of her thighs. Jasmine was careful not to rip them. A groan left her lips when she eyed the shoes. High black heels. She had sworn to herself she would never wear heels again. With a deep sigh she slid them on.

  Heading into the bathroom, she brushed out her coppery hair. It always dried quickly being so short. Styling it into a feathery bob around her face was easily done—the exact reason she had picked that cut.

  A few makeup items were scattered on the counter. Eric no doubted wanted her to put them on. Jasmine settled with some foundation and concealer to hide the bruise on her forehead as best she could, eye shadow, mascara, and lipstick. If she were going out back in her everyday life, she'd usually wear these, but normally she was happy with just a dash of lip gloss. Quick with no messing about.

  How Raoul and Eric had guessed her size in everything was beyond her. Everything fit perfectly. She took a bottle of perfume off the bathroom counter and sprayed her wrists and neck. Light and flowery. Jasmine sniffed appreciatively. Had Eric chosen all this to? He seemed to have hidden talents.

  Her eyes strayed to the counter of cosmetics. Could she get away with taking some sort of weapon with her to the party? They were going into enemy territory. She would be silly to go unarmed. She bit her lip. Eric probably wouldn’t like it, but he wouldn’t have to know. It could be her little secret.

  She grabbed the lipstick she was wearing and scooped up a pair of nail scissors and a mini can of deodorant. Things a woman could carry in a purse. Things Jasmine could possibly use as weapons if needed. She hurried back into the bedroom and stuffed them into the clutch purse. Everything fit. To her relief, it didn’t look to full either. Hopefully no one would notice.

  Checking in the mirror, she dubbed herself ready. Nervousness fluttered inside her. Taking a deep breath, she walked from the room.

  Eric stood in the doorway of the second bedroom. He was busy fiddling with his cuff-links and did not see her enter. Jasmine's steps faltered when she saw him. With female appreciation, her gaze wandered over him. The stylish black tailored tuxedo he wore was cut to precision, emphasizing the broadness of his strong shoulders and the leanness of his waist. The rich fabric of the trousers sheathed his long muscular legs, giving him a lithesome appearance. The snow white shirt beneath his suit was sharp in contrast against all the black. A narrow black bow tie dangled from his neck yet to be done up.

  He had an air of confidence and danger about him. The vampire didn’t just make it look good—he made it damn sexy.

  Jasmine felt excitement uncurl inside her again. She found it hard to tear her gaze away from him. The guy was her temporary boss. She knew she could not be caught panting over him. It was so damn hard when he looked this hot though.

  Eric looked up and caught her inspection. A sexy smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Will I do?”

  She could tell he knew how gorgeous he looked. A woman would have to be blind not to notice. She was pretty certain there would be plenty of women noticing him tonight.

  Jasmine smiled back shyly. “You look very handsome.”

  He chuckled, reaching up to tie his bow tie. “My first compliment from you. I feel honoured.”

  Eric’s gaze started a slow, thorough wander from her head downwards. She felt every inch, like a heated caress against her skin. By the time he got to her waist, the coldness in his eyes had melted. Approval was shining in their depths.

  Jasmine looked away. When he looked at her so intensely, it always left her breathless. The desire she had seen had practically been scorching.

  “I picked well. That dress is spectacular on you. It is…” His silky voice trailed off.

  Looking round, Jasmine found him staring at her feet. A strange, dark, hungry look took over his face.



  The sound of his name falling from her lips snapped his attention back up. He could not believe how sensationally stunning Jasmine looked. The black dress he had picked suited her perfectly. Just the thought of her wearing the sexy black lingerie beneath made him hard. She had on those ‘fuck me now’ heels too. All the blood in his body seemed to have gone south. He was having a hard time forming an intelligent thought in his head.

  Her make-up was not overdone. She didn't really need it to enhance the beauty of her face. Mascara and subtle eyeshadow brought out the greenness of her large lovely eyes. Her short, red hair had been brushed into a sleek bob, which feathered pleasing around her slender cheeks. She looked like more than perfection.

  He suddenly had a feeling it was going be a little difficult to concentrate this evening. The problem was he was going need his wits about him. Tonight was an important step. He took a deep breath and clamped down on his screaming libido.

  Eric cleared his throat. “Raoul will be driving us.”

  The other vampire appeared in the doorway of the suite, as if he had been waiting for his name to be called. Knowing Raoul, he probably had.

  He was wearing a smart, light grey chauffeur’s uniform with a matching grey cap perched on his head. Two long woollen c
oats were draped over his arm.

  Eric saw that everything was ready.

  Raoul’s honey-brown eyes took them both in. “You make a most elegant couple.”

  Jasmine had a pretty blush to her cheeks. “Thank you, Raoul.”

  Eric gallantly offered her his arm. “Ready?”

  Chapter 14

  They stood in the confines of the lift on the way down to the lobby of the hotel. Eric, as always, hid his discomfort. He despised such contraptions. He hated the enclosed space so much that he normally took the stairs down. The fact that he could escape the elevator with ease if it should become stuck did not matter. The fear remained.

  To distract himself, he examined his companion. The little female had begun to fidget with her purse. She was wrapped warmly in the long, black, woollen coat Raoul had provided. Eric knew it would keep her warm from the December evening chill. He could sense her nervousness. Her normal sparkle was subdued. He doubted it had much to do with the lift but rather with what lay ahead of them this evening.

  Curving an arm around her waist, he tugged her gently into his side. She did not resist but went willingly. This pleased Eric immensely. Had she decided to stop fighting against him? The press of her body fit perfectly. He felt the slight tremble to her limbs. Definitely nervous.

  Jasmine did not raise her head, but her fingers tightened around the purse she held.

  “Relax, Jasmine. There is nothing for you to fret over,” he whispered against her ear. “You look very beautiful and tonight all you need do is listen and stay observant.”

  A shiver ran through her at his words. The increase of her heartbeat pleased him. Eric knew it was with excitement. He could practically taste it in the air.

  His cock stirred.

  “I am a little nervous,” she admitted quietly. “I can’t help it.”

  Her subtle sweet arousal teased his senses.